FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 75


The U-turn has taken place.

Yes, yes, as late as Friday night )))

P.S. Where's the U-turn?


For me, anyway, up to 1.4260 is enough to harvest 80% of the crop))))
I have never doubted your skills....)))), and the fact that we have a discrepancy is normal, it should be so....))))

Yes, one more thing he has made a good point, because the peerolls gave out terrible data, far from being in favour of the dollar:

I forgot to say an important detail about the payrolls report. I don't remember average hourly earnings being negative. I'm not saying it didn't happen, I might have forgotten, but - I don't remember that! And now it's minus one cent to 22.99 usd. That's not good! That's not good! And it's also interesting, I publish on my website a summary table of the week's closing prices, by currency and cross, by funda, by fx, by commodes. The fonda is up against last week's figures and the eura is down, so is that the answer? The Nikkei index is even up above 10K. So it's not the risk that's being sold? And the eura? Why then did the whole fx go up at the same time as the fund? US treasuries, German bubbles, UK gilts and Japanese JGBs rose over the week. Gold went up, oil went up, especially brent. Or maybe it's just that the fund didn't have time to fall in the little time left on Friday? After the payrolls? And everything is still ahead? I don't think they'll go anywhere far, no one, due to the summer....

What about Alcor? Chips will only fall based on the semi-annual reports. If the chips are rising and currencies are falling, there is inflation, and this is a classic: inflation is there - hedge funds are screwed, no inflation - investment funds are screwed... I think someone has blown the paint (issuance) and then the multiplier and modern electronic transfer technology do their job...

Margaret, where's his website where he publishes this summary table of his, can I get a link, pli-i-i-i-i-iz .


Margaret, where is his website where he publishes this summary table, can I get a link, pli-i-i-i-i-iz .

I see there aren't many of us left in the branch(((.

And most are silent.

I have never doubted your skills....)))), and the fact that we have a discrepancy is normal, as it should be....))))

ZetM according to your prediction today I lost my depo, so your vision of the market is somehow vague and fickle.


Yes, yes, back on Friday night )))

Z.U. Where's the U-turn?

I'll show you on my fingers tomorrow or the day after. Only in private)))

I see there aren't many of us left in the branch(((.

And most are silent.

It's summer...))) I know, pop in, have a laugh and go to the sea...))) Get together in winter....)))

Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I will show you on my fingers. Only in private))).


IMHO, the Euro has passed the Fibo point of no return today, i.e. long term we are in a corrective wave(s) A (B,C):