FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 5: July 2011) - page 10


Forex, the complicated game. When the steak is open, it is immediately obvious that the "authority" has as small, microscopic and no matter how much he teaches how one can and should earn on Forex, it only brings a smile, even to the unsophisticated visitor. And there will be no new FORT and other "Lucky Traders". Ranting is one thing, but realizing your "SUPER Predictions", is quite another thing....)))))

P.S. Put a condition for "authority-forecasters" to chart with steak. You'll see, they have nothing to measure up to and an era of quiet and sane people will come....))))


We are children of a big country and big traditions.

Cut down vineyards, transplant everyone, have a Holodomor, rename cities, rivers and branches of forums.

To please the power, having the power. So that they can report back and saw a notch in the muzzle of the Mauser )))).

Of course, we need forum users to write only the numbers from where to where to hold the position and back them up with screenshots of arrows, for clarity.

The branch should be renamed more accurately - "Grail - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 5: July 2011)", and a couple of correct predictions with arrows and descriptions should be shown as an example.

Rekker, hi)))

How are you doing there, have you made many notches?)))

strangerr: I think this is interesting. And discussing open trades we automatically pass to discussion of TS or indicators, so I suggest to create separate threads if you want to discuss your TS, rainbow, snowflakes, etc.)).

Well, yes, separate topics. The main thing is not to end up like Mixon777.

Sweet: Who needs them, your positions. You show their results. What did they lead to....)))) Now that's interesting.

If it doesn't lead to displaying a stack with a bunch of closed demo positions with huge lots - why not?

I guess the first post of the thread didn't come out too clear. A categorical ban - to systematically discuss the TC and show its results in this branch. Other threads are for this purpose. Isolated incidents are acceptable.


Michauna got banned? How will we know what's up with the hamsters now? Will we go down today or stomp around in a flat?


P.S. Make a stipulation for the "authority prognosticators" a steak chart. You'll see, they have nothing to measure up to and an era of quiet and sane people will come....))))

The fact that the branch is renamed, for long-haul truckers to the best, because it will not be shameful to put screenshots of other pairs as not euro to decide when the dollar rises or falls, so try to try to find out what exactly has affected the fact that the euro currency pair has not worked off one or another goal of TA, which are followed by most participants in this branch.
But on the other hand most of the participants are intradeal and they don't give a shit where the pair will go tomorrow, and they are more interested in knowing what is happening right here and now. So, someone won't mind working further but for someone it will be problematic to search among so many screens just the pair they work with, and it is mainly the Eurodoll. As for me, the Eurodoll is one of the most deceptive pairs and I am not interested in it ...except to watch it as a participant in other pairs that influence the growth (fall) of the dollar.

Forex, the complicated game. When the steak is open, it is immediately obvious that the "authority" has as small, microscopic and no matter how much he teaches how one can and should earn on Forex, it only brings a smile, even to the unsophisticated visitor. And there will be no new FORT and other "Lucky Traders". Ranting is one thing, but realizing your "SUPER Predictions", is quite another thing....)))))

P.S. Put a condition for "authority-forecasters" to chart with steak. You'll see, they have nothing to measure up to and an era of quiet and sane people will come....))))

Nothing to do, ruin karma)))) and what's in it for you?
There's nothing to do, to spoil karma)))) and what's in it for you?
There will be more thinkers, as a consequence, the aura of this branch will shift to the positive side....))))

It seems to be starting.

Hi! welcome back! fully agree with the position, only my profit margin is a little higher: 1.4440 I am not greedy :)
Hi, welcome back! I fully agree with the position, only my profit is a bit higher: 1.4440 I am not greedy :)

Hi. We'll see there.