Sessions of black magic with full disclosure. - page 7

10-15 customers a day is a little over 1000 roubles from paid SMS, but you have to pay the cellular companies from this amount as well. It is ridiculous to talk about any loss of company income. This is the income of students.

Their main business is real estate. Summer is a downturn in the market for both rentals and sales. And since the name is being tarnished, if you manipulate the statistics, you can try to blame it on Denis.

Chicanery is also a separate business. In general, I'm sick of it all. We have one person working and seven people walking around. Two just want to s......... when the working man turns his back. One guards against the first two.

The fourth manages the third. Two more manage everyone and one tries to count and account for everything.


Their main business is real estate. Summer is a downturn in the market for both rents and sales. And since the name is being tarnished, if we manipulate the statistics, we can try to blame it on Denis.

Chicanery is also a separate business. In general, I'm sick of it all. We have one person working and seven people walking around. Two just want to s......... when the working man turns his back. One guards against the first two.

The fourth manages the third. Two more manage everyone and one tries to count and account for everything.

It's all called division of labour. I'll fix a plumber's socket and he'll change my faucet's gasket.

Except that we always have seven with a spoon for one with a bowl. That's why it all stalls.


In fact, I'm sick of it all. We have one person working and seven people walking around. Two just want to s......... when the working man turns his back. One guards against the first two.

The fourth manages the third. Two more manage everyone and one tries to count and account for everything.

And here's another example: two work, producing something, while five others sell and resell it between them and themselves...

There are more and more trading companies.

As a result:

1. we devalue the real work of the workers-producers.

2. We inflate the cost of goods and services.

3. We reduce our own purchasing power.

4. Motivate and nurture the upbringing of a consumer society.

5. Pushing up inflation.

I have also been caught paying for sms, and I scandalously turned off the phone operator's advertising service. I thought about it and came to the conclusion that the paid SMS service is the business of the top managers of telephone operators. I'm not sure, but to accept and make any payments, even on behalf of a client, is the function of banks, but not of telecom operators. This is fraud on a large scale. I pay for communication services by depositing money to my phone number, but not for other services, and I personally do not understand on what grounds tel. operators transfer money. So it turns out that cellular companies with their millions of customers are attached to the country's 2000 or so banks. It is not clear to me where the "lobby" of the banks is? Hence, the banks are also "involved".

I answer myself. We can't think because we don't have all the information, we can only guess.

recorded half an hour of hysteria from a company spokesperson, can't embed it in here, so here's a link

.... inadequate .... in light of these revelations, I think we should remove the article here before the man goes completely insane, why take the sin ...

what do you think, fellow moderators? :)


"I think you think we're stupid" -- phase.

"Why are you writing me down? I'm writing you down too. Why are you writing me down?" -- also good.