Searching for market patterns - page 50


... there is a lot more independence in diaries than in watches.

Naturally - it's a foundation influence.
Don't foundations create dependencies anymore? I'm talking about real foundations, not rollers and other little things...
Don't foundations create dependencies anymore? I'm talking about real foundations, not all those rollers and other little things...
Alexey, political movements of currency rates, decisions of politicians on how to "warm up" the country, and the recent Swiss showdown cannot be measured by any Chi-square. ))
Our traders attempts to put the market into technical analysis just stumble upon political movements, which:
1) from a TA point of view seem illogical to us;
2) are much more clearly visible on higher TFs (like days).
Many banks take part in "guess the closing price of the annual candle" contests. "The law of level breakout" applies to all candles, and subsequent actions also depend on this point. To consider "one TF" in isolation from the overall market situation would be an empty exercise if you don't consider the situation as a whole. The Championship, by the way, is held at the end of the year for a reason. At this time, the maximum number of significant candlesticks will be closed, which means that the influence of various forces will be the largest and less predictable for the systems that are not focused on the general market situation. The struggle for the closure of the annual candle includes the mechanisms of higher order. Whichever way the candlesticks are closed, we can say for sure. There will be harmony on all the TFs. Only a panicking army will retreat in disarray. In any other case the retreat is planned in exactly the same way as the offensive. But even panic has its own order...
Alexey, political movements of exchange rates, politicians' decisions on how to "warm up" another country, and the recent Swiss show-off cannot be measured by any Chi-square. ))
Our traders attempts to put the market into technical analysis just stumble upon political movements, which:
1) seem illogical to us from a TA perspective;
2) are much brighter on higher TFs (like days).
On large TFs there is a lot of noise and confusion.
moskitman: Alexey, political movements of currency rates, decisions of politicians on how to "warm up" another country, and the recent Swiss showdown cannot be measured by any Chi-square. ))

That's just lyricism, Andrew. The references to the unpredictability of "political" movements only suggest that these movements are completely unobvious.

There is matstatistics which ironcladly says that these movements are influenced by distant past movements. But this influence is highly non-linear (linear relationships have long since disappeared, but that is what is most often sought in the framework of linear correlations), and so it seems illogical to us.

OK, I won't raise the fuss again, which has already settled in the thread about TI.


OK, I'm not going to start up the fuss again, which has already settled down in the TI thread.

Yeah, don't make a fuss. Otherwise, eventually you too will have to deny yourself the pleasure of calling everyone a moron.
Yeah, don't make a fuss. Otherwise, you too will eventually have to deny yourself the pleasure of calling everyone retarded.

Erm... That's my privilege. )))


2 Mathemat

Alexei. Interesting, really. But, being a lowly practitioner, I think - it can't help the trade in any way. No, maybe you can get a grant of some kind, or even a Nobel Prize. But it doesn't apply to trading (the way of life). Well, maybe tweak the MM. Like put more risk than before. Which, of course, is also not a little. But not dramatic. "We're well fed."

Lyosha. That's what you're saying? No, you tell me! I'm waiting!

joo: Yeah, don't make a fuss. Otherwise, eventually you too will have to deny yourself the pleasure of calling everyone retarded.

I have a different style, a moderator's style. And a moderator is supposed to be good-natured and call names without anyone noticing.

2 Svinozavr: Come on, what grant... No practice yet, I just haven't had any time at all in the last couple of weeks.
2 Svinozavr: Come on, what grant... No practice yet, it's just that the last couple of weeks I haven't had any time at all.

It's a Nobel Prize. I hope you'll invite me to the party.


Yeah, except for the nickname... You know, the committee might not understand. They have a very specific thing about math... Even in economics.