The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 517





Start of this training account: 25.08.2021.

Monitoring in the profile.

Two or three months of easy work on this practice account will give information on the prospects of participation in the competition for the Robbins Cup.

Reminder :

1987 Larry Williams 11376%

That record has been held for 34 years. It needs to be renewed.


Олег avtomat #:


The start of this practice account: 25.08.2021.

Two or three months of easy work on this practice account will inform you about the prospects of competing for the Robbins Cup.

Reminder :

1987 Larry Williams 11376%

That record has been held for 34 years. It needs to be renewed.


We are confident in Tractor. I think he's going to get it quicker than everyone else.
Олег avtomat #:


Start of this training account: 25.08.2021.

Monitoring in the profile.

Two or three months of easy work on this practice account will give information on the prospects of participation in the competition for the Robbins Cup.

Reminder :

1987 Larry Williams 11376%

That record has been held for 34 years. It needs to be renewed.


maybe not a tractor then, but a rocket?


Renat Akhtyamov #:
maybe not a tractor then, but a rocket?

The tractor is ploughing. It broke down, was repaired and is working again. And the rocket burns out the fuel and burns up in the atmosphere.

Олег avtomat #:


Start of this training account: 25.08.2021.

Monitoring in the profile.

Two or three months of easy work on this practice account will give information on the prospects of participation in the competition for the Robbins Cup.

Reminder :

1987 Larry Williams 11376%

That record has been held for 34 years. It needs to be renewed.


That record is fake, stop boozing old man)

Олег avtomat #:


It's well known: "Whatever you call the boat, that's how it sails".

That's why you need attractor not a tractor.



This record is fake, stop drinking old man)

Fake or not, it makes no difference. Because this number is a kind of bar, above which no one has passed yet.

The second part of your exclamation can be written off to the fact that Che's parrot has to prove himself in any case.

Рынок -- управляемая динамическая система.
Рынок -- управляемая динамическая система.
  • 2021.07.15
Прежде всего необходимо дать определение, что из себя представляет управляемая динамическая система, и как это соотнести с рынком, явлением, в пред...
PapaYozh #:

You know what you call a boat, that's how it sails.

That's why you need attractor not a tractor.


You have a poor grasp of the meaning of words, especially words this intricate.