The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 525

PapaYozh #:

I'm old enough to be your father.

No, you're just a codger.

Олег avtomat #:

how? ;)))))))

you're not right in the head

♪ don't judge it by yourself ♪

Олег avtomat #:

What a moron...

You've already called everyone on this forum that term - it's time to think about why you're being haunted by that diagnosis. Maybe it's not everyone else but you that's the problem.

Explaining anything to a retard is a waste of time.
PapaYozh #:

Don't judge it by yourself.

You do look more like an overgrown schoolboy.

Олег avtomat #:
Explaining anything to a retard is a waste of time.

That's right, how many times have the moderators explained to you by giving you a ban for rude communication, and you keep doing it.

Now they don't even want to waste their time on you, he even asked them twice to delete your profile and they don't care about you.

Evgeniy Chumakov #:

That's right, how many times have the moderators explained to you by giving you a ban for rude communication, and you keep doing it.

Now they don't even want to waste their time on you, he even asked them twice to delete your profile and they don't give a damn about you.

Well here comes Jo's parrot

On the pole!

Evgeniy Chumakov #:

That's right, how many times have the moderators explained to you by giving you a ban for rude communication, and you keep doing it.

Now they don't even want to waste their time on you, he even asked them twice to delete your profile and they don't care about you.

He's insane.

Soon he'll be done and then he'll calm down.

Олег avtomat #:

Jo's parrot is here.

On the pole!

What's wrong with parrots, beautiful birds. You're a long way from them.



I vote for expulsion