The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 491


I get it, you're just off-topic and reasoning theoretically. And you would probably be right in a certain situation. But this is not the case. In his old thread I wrote nothing at all. Many other people have tried to very correctly point out his delusions. It was to no avail. I later, much later, laid out his rigorous mathematical proof. And he was sent away))).

You have to get along with people anyway. Some, like vampires, enjoy it when the opponent is nervous and swearing. If you see that communication with the person is not working, then you need to step aside so as not to escalate the conflict. I think this is the right thing to do, although I myself have sinned and sometimes can't stop at the right time).


You have to get on with people anyway.

I absolutely agree. Otherwise, you can't be constructive.


If you see that communication with a person is not working, then you need to step aside so as not to escalate the conflict.

Aggravate it, of course, is not necessary. But this is a public forum. Everyone here writes not only to his opponent, and immediately to all. That is the main point. Otherwise, you can get along in private. Therefore, you still need to defend your own positions. So as not to mislead others. Otherwise innocent people may suffer )).

Otherwise innocent people might suffer )).

Daddy says the soul is perfected by suffering.


Otherwise innocent people could get hurt )).

innocently innocent


The drawdown counts from the profit, not the deposit. Because it could have been right at the start.

Where do you see 32 here? It's even more than 50.

According to your method, if the first tick is losing at the start, the drawdown at it as a percentage of profit will be equal to minus infinity).

In my opinion, it is easier and more correct to calculate the drawdown in the usual way (percentage of equity).


You are right. But only partly.

How would you feel about a man who is foaming at the mouth and proving that he has invented perpetual motion? And when he's told it's impossible, he's rude.

He is a learned man, but not flexible. His knowledge is rigid. He is a bad assimilator of information new to him.

In the process of invention of the UA a lot of useful things have been done.

And knowledge is not rigid) But in some matters people's knowledge is sometimes replaced with faith. And an argument is useless here).

And indeed, where there is no evidence, there can only be faith.)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

According to your method, if the first tick is losing at the start, the drawdown at it as a percentage of profit will be equal to minus infinity).

In my opinion, it is easier and more correct to calculate the drawdown in the usual way (percentage of equity).

The idiot Doctor and his best friend are eager to see my signal failure or the wildest drawdown, for example :)))

Instead of learning the physics, they are fidgeting with impatience and inventing crazy formulas to calculate the drawdown.


The crazy Doctor and his best friend secret are eager to see my signal go down or the biggest drawdown, for example :)))

Instead of studying physics, they're fidgeting with impatience and inventing crazy formulas to calculate the drawdown.

And they will start to drain sooner or later, obviously). According to my very conservative estimates - no later than mid-autumn)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

No one is eager for that, because other purely counter-trend systems will be draining in sync with your system) And they will obviously start draining sooner or later). By my extremely conservative estimate - no later than mid-fall).

We shall see. Now I have become cautious in my estimations, therefore I do not advertise the signal anywhere. I'm curious about it myself.

As for those two clowns... They're thirsty, all right! And they're kicking.

All the heated debates in the thread are about the nuances of essentially one direction, the sliding window followers, so to speak. But there is a second direction - extremums, where the whole history is considered from maximum to minimum. In my opinion, there is more opportunity to catch on.