The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 459

what a moron...
It is a pity when intelligent people argue in public, forgetting the well-known saying - "of the two, he who is cleverer is wrong".

You might be interested in researching one of the Masters:


Renat Akhtyamov:

For some reason it seems to me that Vova Izersky has grown very fond of this theory and is trying to use it. It is written quite intelligently. The conclusions are correct. Does the Master profit from it? I believe that he does.

It is a pity when clever people quarrel in public, forgetting the proverb that "the one who is cleverest is the one who is wrong".

It is customary for us that when two soldiers meet, the first to greet is the junior in rank.

In France and Egypt, the first to greet is the one with the best manners.

The Internal Service Manual.



The " battle of the traders"competition

start 01.12.2020.
finish 31.12.2020.

I set a goal:
Increase the initial deposit by 100 times.
And preferably without losing trades.

Contest progress and results are available in the monitoring.


At the start :


Is this the stairs to Olympus? That's the quest left to go on. Only the ladder is turned with the steps facing the observer. That means the climber will try to slide down the steps and the observer will laugh out loud. I would redo it.
Олег avtomat:

No, I don't.

And I don't operate with "probabilities" at all.

As for "properties of the general population", you should always keep the following in mind:


You can imagine anything. However, what is meant here is not mental imagination, but a time-dependent function.

That is, not a one-dimensional f(x) but a two-dimensional f(x,t) which is much more complex.

Do you know this dependence? Of course I don't.