The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 429




day = 9

day = 9


Олег avtomat:

day = 9


Take it.))

Told you to take it right away.

In space, you see, he doesn't need a rope)) And in the swamp?



I have spent a lot of time reading this multi-page miracle, but there is still no final result. In 2025 I might be able to guess 10 trades in a row and get to the top,

and then what? Another 10 years of failed attempts

and the author has gone crazy with his tractor)

tear down the branch - save the beaver)


I don't understand some people. If you don't like the thread, just walk away. What difference does it make to you what the author has there.

Others provoke the author with their stupid posts every time.

If everyone created a branch of nonsense like this, everything they come here for would be at the bottom, if they were given space in the basement, then there would be no question at all
if he was given a place in the basement.

Where is your place?

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Where do you belong?

The basement is the bottom of the anchored threads that don't get uploaded on top of all of them.

Go learn.


the basement is at the bottom of the pinned topics that are not uploaded on top of all of them

Can you read?


The basement is the bottom of the anchored threads that don't get uploaded on top of all of them.

go learn.

i wonder why your thread is so useful and good it deserves to be out of the basement?