The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 192

Numbers are like words - a husk, a languishing spirit and so on

yeah. you just have to believe ;)))

Yeah. you just have to believe ;)))
Faith is a poison that takes the mind out of reality
Faith is a poison that takes the mind out of reality

Mohammed, it is not.

Believe, but don't trust your mind to anyone.


Mohammed, that is not true.

Believe, but don't trust your mind to anyone.

What can you do if your own thoughts make you deviate from reality?)
Numbers are like words - a husk, a languor of the spirit and so on

Faith is a poison that takes the mind out of reality

what to do? ;)))

Why be? What's the rush?
Believe in yourself, there is a little of the Almighty in you.
Why be?

Is it really necessary not to be?

should not be?
I don't deal with such questions, I'm not interested, that's why I asked, but why?

do i really have to not be?
I don't ask myself such questions, that's why I asked, but why?