The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 52

Happy New Year !!!

The factual data available can be used to determine the direction of travel:

This, in turn, makes it possible - with regard to the task at hand - to make adjustments to the management of each individual tractor.

Good results!

And so it will be, if the further movement of the FI is identical to that of the past 1.5 months. Do you believe that?


It's not about what I believe or dis_believe... It's an experiment. An experiment lasting almost a year - until the end of 2013. Any experiment is set up to test some hypotheses. In the process of the experiment, the original hypotheses may be confirmed or may be discarded, but they can also be modified, altered, transformed. On the basis of the available factual data we can determine the movement parameters existing at the moment, at the given point (March). Assuming that the movement parameters will not change much in the near future, we can plot the next point (April) as shown in the chart. As for plotting the second, third and so on movement points up to the end of the experiment, nothing prevents us from performing such constructions to find out the reachability limits at the current movement parameters. But life will show how it will be in reality.

At the next point (April), when we will have the actual data of this point, we can compare them with the calculated ones. The movement parameters will change. For these new parameters we will make similar calculations. And so on, for each point (May, June...).

There is a whole unploughed field for research here.


I hope the moderators will understand that this is not an "advertisement", but an experiment.


It's not about what I believe or dis_believe... It's an experiment. An experiment lasting almost a year - until the end of 2013. Any experiment is set up to test some hypotheses. In the process of the experiment, the original hypotheses may be confirmed or may be discarded, but they can also be modified, altered, transformed. On the basis of the available factual data we can determine the movement parameters existing at the moment, at the given point (March). Assuming that the movement parameters will not change much in the near future, we can plot the next point (April) as shown in the chart. As for plotting the second, third and so on movement points up to the end of the experiment, nothing prevents us from performing such constructions to find out the reachability limits at the current movement parameters. But life will show how it will be in reality.

At the next point (April), when we will have the actual data of this point, we can compare them with the calculated ones. The movement parameters will change. For these new parameters we will make similar calculations. And so on, for each point (May, June...).

There is a whole unploughed field for research here.


I hope the moderators will understand that this is not an "advertisement", but an experiment.

Yes, it's not forbidden... just like it's not forbidden to pound water in a pail. However, I will point out that everything rests on a shaky assumption.

And that begs the question of how much soap should be used to soap the eyes of others... and oneself as well. => that at least some value in your posts are only graphs with the current balance.


I hope the moderators will understand that this is not "advertising" but an experiment.

could you elaborate on how the previous tractor brigade died? and the reasons....

can you elaborate on how the previous tractor brigade died? and the reasons....

Perhaps because of this,"that's it ... positions have been forcibly closed ... Broco liquidated... exp finished... balance of $677 ... where to put it now, this balance...".


Yes, it does not prohibit it... just as it does not prohibit pounding water in a bucket. However, I will point out that everything rests on a shaky assumption.

This raises the question of how much soap should be used to soothe the eyes of others... and yourself. => that only the graphs with the current balance are of any value in your posts.

To answer in the spirit of your question... You have your own stupa in which you are pounding your water. Is your stupa with your water better than my stupa with my water?

And in all seriousness, the value and measure in our field is the final result Result=Balance+Cash. But the paths to it are different.


and can you elaborate on how the previous tractor brigade went down ? and the reasons....


There were several reasons for this: the model was underdeveloped and there were some technical errors, but the main reason was the tractor driver's indiscipline.

But the system continues to evolve, the model is being refined, necessary adjustments are being made, goals are being set and objectives are being set.

In particular, if the current experiment will be successful and the set goals will be reached within imposed limitations, then such a result will shake, if not disprove completely all sorts of theories about casual nature of market movements, "theories" imposed from outside and accepted by many people as a kind of "revelation".


Probably because of this:"that's it... positions are closed forcibly... Broco is liquidated... exp expired... balance of $677 ... where to put it now, that balance..."

It was force majeure, caused by the liquidation of Broco.

But it must be said that Broco provided the widest range of instruments, order execution was OK, and there were no problems with withdrawal of funds until "well-wishers" got in the way.

And now not a single (!!!) company using MT4 provides even a fraction of those opportunities that Broco provides.


It was force majeure caused by the elimination of Broco.

But it must be said that Broko provided the widest choice of instruments, order execution was OK, and there were no problems with withdrawal of funds, until "well-wishers" got in the way.

I think this is the only difference between Broco and MT4, and I have no idea what the difference is.

Well why ? there are quite decent new faces in this market... using mt4.... you mean your tractors don't support counter positions ?

In my opinion - that's the only difference between the platforms - the rest is all bait and switch...

(it's different when forced to translate.... but i think it's all the same whether it's straight hedge or crooked.... The world drains into one cesspool...:-))