The market is a controlled dynamic system. - page 47


I'm sorry. Trying not to get personal. It was just a convenient way of answering a question. No more. Not making any accusations against anyone.

Sometimes, though, I really want to.


.... и... "don't hold back your desires " ;))))

What should you switch to?
By the way, it's a whole "science" ;)))
Do you really keep track of the process?

That's a rhetorical question, isn't it?

Well, I can't believe it's the top of your game, since you're supposed to be an expert in TAU. So I'm hoping for a qualitative improvement. I put the link in my favorites and watch it from time to time.


That's a rhetorical question, isn't it?

Well, I can't believe it's the top of your game, since you're supposed to be an expert in TAU. So I'm hoping for a qualitative improvement. I put the link in my favourites and watch it from time to time.

I see. I inform you: the information is updated on Sundays during the day.

The less people know, the more extensive their knowledge seems to be. Jean-Jacques Rousseau


faa, you're just trivially stupid... (and that's not a name-calling... it's a fact)

This is not the first post like that.

There is a fundamental difference between us: I have never once assessed your mental capacity.


Don't be silent about the essence of the system - but be silent if you only want to stir up a thread to get attention, but aren't going to say anything yourself.

Is this an inversion of yours to be understood as a prohibition for me to express my thoughts if they do not correspond to your understanding?


But my point is this:

1) It's been a year since the general idea was freely available.

2) For three months there is a simplified version of the idea in the form of an oscilloscope input signal problem (on p.34). It is a problem for the 3rd year of a technical university.

3) You should be too lazy and unwilling to do anything, not to try to do two or three not very complicated transformations, at least to understand what I am talking about. --- And meanwhile, for three months you observe positive results of my work, looking for negatives, and pointing at me some crazy Sharpe Ratios and Sortina (you can see clearly and with pictures what these so called "ratios" cost --- And meanwhile you groundlessly and contrivedly accuse me of being a publicist (although the real reasons for such a turnaround are clear to me).

OK, not all here are technicians, not all here are mathematicians, but you, Alexey, positioning yourself as a mathematician - what prevents you to do these not complicated transformations?

How and how much more do you need to chew on? To the state of the solution? To the state of the source code? To the state of transferring profits?

Solve this simple task, Alexey (or at least try to solve it, I'll help you if you need) and you will understand what I'm talking about. And hopefully understand that labelling it as advertising is at least unwise.


2) Уже три месяца лежит в свободном доступе упрощённый вариант идеи -- в виде задачи о входном сигнале осциллографа (на стр.34). Это задача для 3-го курса технического ВУЗа.

I think I understand in general terms how the rod is set up - along with gpwr and joo. Further on the same page you post a couple of drawings like "well, for clarity" and "further development of the situation". I'll post them here.

How do you know the "Matrix", i.e.the PF of the oscilloscope? Why exactly an aperiodic link (also with floating parameters)?

All right, not all here are technicians, not all here are mathematicians, but you, Alexey, position yourself as a mathematician - what prevents you to do these not complicated transformations?

No, I don't. I am not a professional mathematician or even a mathematician. A nickname is just a nickname, there is a dark and ancient history.

But in general - yes, Oleg, a very fresh idea, but it needs elaboration. My apologies. But if you hadn't hinted on pg. 34, I'd still be in the dark.


So we can consider that the "misunderstanding" with the labels has been cleared up. // I can guess at whose instigation this swirling occurred -- and it proves once again that one should not take the whirring of "well-wishers" at face value... well that's putting it mildly ;))))


One must assume that a lively working atmosphere has been restored.


How do you know the "Matrix", i.e.the PF of the oscilloscope? Why exactly an aperiodic link (also with floating parameters)?

let's do the following:

now I could give long theoretical reasoning, but it will obviously be superfluous (I will only say that the filtering properties of the object are assumed), so do exactly that, and then we can talk about specific questions that have arisen --

In general, any link can be used for modelling, as long as it satisfies the task at hand.