[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 372


I found a lure for the Aussie -- an ancient Japanese candle -- called TamWolf.

So, may be, according to hamster theory, we should go against the trend on Aussie, or it would be better to look through the fence and see how it goes with the trendline?

Forget it))) It follows the Euro like a dog on a leash ))))). Although offcially growing ))))

Finally my plan (really for the day) worked https://c.mql5.com/mql4/forum/2011/06/4_4.jpg ))))

Learning, learning ......

Well done, I'm really happy for you, but you forgot to write who is learning. Lenin actually wrote the slogan with the verb in the infinitive: "to study."
Well done, I'm really happy for you, but you forgot to write who is studying. Lenin actually wrote the slogan with the verb in the infinitive: "to study".

Corrected....I think 4218 will bounce back ...and then we'll see...

And about the dates, I have 2011.06.26 and 2011.07.15 something should be interesting in the news )))

Margaret, please write down what Tricia said...
Margaret, pleeeease write up what Tricia said....

He will speak at the end of the summit, but in the meantime:

ATHENS, June 23. /Dow Jones/. Greece continues talks with European and international authorities on the €5.5 billion measures needed to agree on a final five-year austerity program. Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos said on Thursday.

>But speaking at a press conference, Venizelos said the government remains fully committed to the €28 billion austerity plan the country has promised its international creditors in return for additional aid.

>"We are discussing an amount of around €5.5bn of the total medium-term package of €bn," he said. - "We have to stick to this medium-term programme because it is a condition for getting everything else.

>In May last year, Greece narrowly avoided default with the help of a €110bn bailout package from its eurozone partners and the International Monetary Fund. However, faced with the high cost of borrowing on global markets, Athens needs around €100bn more in new loans to cover its borrowing needs over the next three years.

>As a precondition for receiving the second bailout package, and in order to receive the next quarterly tranche within the existing package, the Greek government must first adopt the promised austerity programme, the corresponding laws and the privatisation plan.

>The Greek parliament is expected to vote on a total austerity plan of €28bn, including €6.4bn of new measures for 2011, by Tuesday evening. A separate vote on related legislation is expected by Thursday.


He will speak at the end of the summit, but in the meantime:

ATHENA, June 23. /Dow Jones/. Greece continues talks with European and international authorities on the €5.5 billion measures needed to agree on a final five-year austerity program. Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos said on Thursday.

>But speaking at a press conference, Venizelos said the government remains fully committed to the €28 billion austerity plan the country has promised its international creditors in return for additional aid.

>"We are discussing an amount of around €5.5bn of the total medium-term package of €bn," he said. - We have to stick to this medium-term programme because it is a condition for getting everything else."

>In May last year, Greece narrowly avoided default with the help of a €110bn bailout package from its eurozone partners and the International Monetary Fund. However, faced with the high cost of borrowing on global markets, Athens needs around €100bn more in new loans to cover its borrowing needs over the next three years.

>As a precondition for receiving the second bailout package, and in order to receive the next quarterly tranche within the existing package, the Greek government must first adopt the promised austerity programme, the corresponding laws and the privatisation plan.

>The Greek parliament is expected to vote on a total austerity plan of €28bn, including €6.4bn of new measures for 2011, by Tuesday evening. A separate vote on related laws is expected by Thursday.

And the Fredreserve programme officially ended today, didn't it? Is that why there's so much movement?


Think of hamsters.... they are so kind... Be kinder and everything will work out for you)))) And there are no fools sitting here....DECIDE )))) You have good ideas... Learn how to present them well...



Think of hamsters.... they are so kind... Be kinder and everything will work out for you)))) And there are no fools sitting here....DECIDE )))) You have good ideas... Learn how to present them well...

Maybe it's not Mixon. Maybe it's Baltursite who's messing with us all.



And the Fred Reserve programme officially ended today, didn't it? Is that why there's so much movement?

Yesterday they announced the end, so people rejoiced, while futures holders were saddened...

In fact, the IEA was urgently called out of the blue this morning and for this reason:

The decision by the US and the IEA to dump 60 million barrels of oil on the world market has triggered a sharp drop in global black gold prices. At the moment Brent crude is already trading well below USD 110/bbl, whilst the August WTI futures even dropped below USD 90/bbl.

As of 18:15 Moscow time, IPE Brent Crude (August) stood at USD 107.25/bbl. (-6.96 dollars), while a barrel of Light, Sweet Crude Oil fell in price by $4.86. - The main reason for such a sharp drop in the price of black oil was the fact that the oil price had dropped to $90.55 per barrel.

The main reason for such a sharp drop in the price of black gold was the IEA's decision to allocate 60m barrels from its own strategic reserves, with half of this amount (30m barrels) to US reserves. The agency plans to send 2m barrels a day to markets over the next 30 days to make up for the shortfall in Libya's daily supply, which previously stood at 1.2m barrels a day.

In addition, negative macroeconomic data from the USA also had a negative impact on oil prices. According to reports of the country's Labor Ministry, the number of initial claims for unemployment benefits in the past week increased to 429 thousand, while analysts expected this indicator to be 415 thousand