[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 286


I think I've figured out the crap the price is crawling on:

Have you figured out the weekly chart?
Has the weekly timetable been worked out?

There was no test.

It's amazing!!! Trichet speaks tonight at 4:00 Moscow time... MAY be something will change...

Evra waves.


The hammer is on the horizon, let's see how it closes:


There was no test

There's a double top...

Same for a dollar:


Evra waves.

I've thought about it too, but it's still only on the verge of fantasy....
In short, let Tricia perform and then we'll see...
I've thought about it too, but it's still only on the verge of fantasy....

If the first wave is not counted from the minimum it works out. (the minimum is the previous three falls)
In short, let Tricia speak and then we'll see...

That's right, now I'm looking for the topic he's going to speak on...

Greece is on the agenda...