end of 2011. - Beginning of the second wave of the crisis - page 43

IgorM: Concerns about positive grain yields - will bread prices come down? )))))))))))))))))))))

Why? They are in no way related indicators )))) It doesn't work like that in Russia. The harvest is high? - high! So prices must be high too... ))))
NYROBA: I have several hundred price charts marked out

LeoV: Why?
Because I want to believe that there is a market economy
Unfortunately, in Russia the price of petrol has almost nothing to do with the price of oil. ....

How can it not be related. It is very much related.

1. Oil goes up - the price of petrol goes up. Why? Because we are part of the world economy.

2. Oil goes down, the price of petrol goes up. Why? Because we are part of the world economy, and the fall in export revenue must be compensated for in the domestic market.

You see, the connection is exceptionally strong. :)))



To understand the current situation in all financial markets

How can it not be related. Very much so.

1. Oil goes up - gasoline price goes up. Why? Because we are part of the world economy.

2. Oil goes down - the price of petrol goes up. Why? Because we are part of the world economy and the decline in export revenue must be compensated for in the domestic market.

You see, the connection is exceptionally strong. :)))

+1)) :)

IgorM: потому, что хочу верить, что бывает рыночная экономика

Unfortunately, Russia is not a market economy. In Russia, the economy is all about getting as much money in your pocket as possible, because nobody knows what's going to happen tomorrow)))
NYROBA: To understand the current situation in all financial markets

Why all of them? To make money, it is enough to understand the current situation in one instrument, or two or three.

Why on all of them? To make money, it is enough to understand the current situation on one instrument, or on 2-3.

In order to make money on 2-3 instruments you have to understand what will happen on all the others, then your forecasts will be more accurate. :)

How can it not be related. It is very much related.

1. Oil goes up - the price of petrol goes up. Why? Because we are part of the world economy.

2. Oil goes down, the price of petrol goes up. Why? Because we are part of the world economy, and the fall in export revenue must be compensated for in the domestic market.

You see, the link is exceptionally strong. :)))

I agree completely and totally )))) With one proviso -

1. Oil goes up - the price of petrol goes up. Why? Because we are part of the world economy and oil companies and officials need to make money.

2. Oil goes down, the price of petrol goes up. Why? Because we are part of the world economy and in this case there is a unique opportunity to make even more money than in the first case.