end of 2011. - Beginning of the second wave of the crisis - page 27


Excuse me, does the BY symbol in your nickname mean Belarus?

If yes, I would like to ask about the current situation, I mean the beginning of the financial crisis as the journalists are talking about it,

Has the currency disappeared from exchange offices, are petrol and food prices going up, etc.? Or maybe these journos are lying. :о)

That is what it means.
There is no currency in the exchange offices. The official dollar exchange rate is 3,145/$3,155.
Theexchange office has 4,500 Rbls/$ - but still no.
In the shops and markets, the sellers are counting at the exchange rate of 6,000/$1,000 RUR.
We are ALWAYS OK!!! :))))
That's what it means.
There is no currency in the exchange offices. The official dollar exchange rate is 3,145/$3,155.
Theexchange office has 4,500 Rbls/$ - but still no.
In the shops and markets, the sellers are counting at the exchange rate of 6,000/$1,000 RUR.
We are ALWAYS OK!!! :))))

The best part is ahead - this is just the beginning....
And here's about stock market strategies: http://www.imperiya.by/economics2-6776.html

These are not mine, they are the SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR CYCLE STUDY. Do you feel the difference....)))) and stop displaying charts with your logs, "quacky little signs", which you, call a wave marking, and the unknown why "stumbled" Fibo rulers. We are talking to you seriously, and you are trying to humor us.
It irritates you - it doesn't irritate me (well, a man likes pictures)...
And judging by the links, also interested in many!!!

The best part is ahead - it's just the beginning....
In anticipation... ;)
It annoys you - it doesn't annoy me (the man likes pictures)...
And judging by the links, he's also interested in a lot of things!!!

Not in principle, not annoying. Sorry, I won't do it again.

These are not mine, but those of the SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR CYCLE STUDY. Do you feel the difference....)))) and stop displaying charts with your logs, "quacky pebbles", which you, call a wave marking, and the unknown why "stacked" Fibo rulers. We are talking to you seriously, and you are trying to humor us.

The plain truths of Wave Theory - if the BIGGER cycle is pointing upwards, then anything that happens on the smaller timeframes should not contradict the BIGGER cycle,

should not contradict the BIGGER ORDER cycle, and straight lines are easier to read and do not distract from the intraday noise...


Rockefeller on the ultimate goal of world government


Why a screenshot from google? are they in league with them?

Maestro, let's stick to the script - screenshots and applause, because your credibility is not so great!



Why a screenshot from Google? Are they in on it?

Maestro, let's stick to the script - screenshots and applause, otherwise your credibility is getting very low!


I don't really care who thinks what about me. ;о)