Which days of the week are good for trading - page 3


So he tested it, got the results and asked - why is that?

I made my point, but vladimir mocked us all and went for his test results. He'll be back, we'll sit down, and everything will be in the palm of his hand.

It's hard to say without knowing the system. It may be Friday and Wednesday before the double swaps. But most likely it should occur in the last hours of the trading day or trading sessions. I don't think that it can be determined "directly", for example, by gathering statistics of increments of a certain hour after the growth during the previous week. If it does occur within a certain trade set-up, i.e. a breakout set, for example. Therefore results of other people's systems are not necessarily significant for others.
What are the meanings of the words dickish and ordinary in relation to trend trading?

Excluding Fridays from trading does not improve trading.

Wednesdays are the opposite.

These are entries from a pullback in the direction of the weekly trend when it coincides with the daily trend.

what is the classification algorithm?

Excluding Fridays from trading does not improve trading.

Wednesdays are the opposite.

from whose trade? from ru_chuzer's trade?

Excluding Fridays from trading does not improve trading.

Wednesdays are the opposite.

Or do you have an identical TS a priori?

it is difficult to say without knowing the system. The fixing could be the Friday and Wednesday before the double swaps. But most likely it should occur in the last hours of the trading day or trading sessions. I don't think that it can be determined "directly", for example, by gathering statistics of increments of a certain hour after the growth during the previous week. If it does occur within a certain trade set-up, i.e. a breakout set, for example. Therefore results of other people's systems are not necessarily significant for others.

If the author believes - more than 70% of losing trades were made on Friday. So swaps have nothing to do with it.
Based on what the writer has written - similar.

I don't get it - the man has a TS, which statistically gives more than 70% of losing trades on Fridays. If you exclude Fridays, the system does not become more profitable. How can there be identical TS in such conditions?

Or do you have identical TCs a priori?
Take the week Monday to Thursday and see if Friday closes against that week's movement. It's simple.
Checked. There's more on Wednesday.

Where are the statistics?

Where are the statistics?
Is 700 deals no longer a statistic?