Which days of the week are good for trading - page 11

In order to formalise this phenomenon mathematically, we need to give a mathematical formalisation of the concepts of "trend" and "flat". Can you do that? From the height of your flight?

You have a naive belief in mathematical formalisation of anything. This is a child complex, it will pass.

Graphic TA is very difficult or impossible to formalise.

For example, a trend - you can see it by eye, try to formalise it.

Do you have a problem with your head? Give it up! Why do you need it...
In order to formalise this phenomenon mathematically, we need to give a mathematical formalisation of the concepts of "trend" and "flat". Can you do that? From the height of your flight?
Certainly, yes.
Naturally yes.

Let's go to
Man, you guys are annoying...
Man, you guys are annoying...

The most important thing is that the writer got an answer to his question.

The most important thing is that the writer got an answer to his question.

That's right: he's long gone and you're still fighting.

That's right, he's long gone, and you're fighting.

Paukas is a fighter! He can't give a clear definition of a trend or a flat, let alone formalize it mathematically. Well, he's gonna show everyone. He can do it. I believe in him!

Trend, flat-out and other horrors - I can. Mathematical.

But it won't do you any good. You need to rip God's egg off. And throw it away - not Faberge...


You have a naive belief in mathematical formalisation of anything. This is a child complex, it will pass.

Graphic TA is very difficult or impossible to formalise.

For example, a trend - you can see it by eye, try to formalise it.

all knowledge is gained from collecting statistics. Even reflexes in animals)))