Which days of the week are good for trading - page 8


Señor Paukas? Explain for average minds - 1116 Fridays - over 23 years? And where did you get the history of the euro since 1987?

They say it's from a stamp. Download the terminal.


"Come on, son, are you smoking? I'm smoking, Mama, I'm smoking..." ©

Highlight my post about Thursday's move - there's hidden text with reasons.

I read it a long time ago, I mean, why Thursday and not any other day before... after...

They say it's from the brand. Download the terminal.

1. The size of the story is a sham.

2. In order to lock in profits on a Friday, you have to make them during the week!

The method is clearly not correct! Don't fool people - you haven't researched anything.

Those four figures are nonsense.

I suggest you stop the provocation immediately!


The trend is up, there's nothing to say! It's worth taking a profit on Friday!

I suggested you calculate it yourself, according to your own rules. But you didn't want to. Because the result would be the same. 50/50

There's no lock-in, it's a myth.


I read it a long time ago, I mean, why Thursday and not any other day before... after...

ECB interest decision, Bank of England interest decision and Trichet press conference. And Paukas was suspiciously taciturn the day before in the forum.

The ECB interest decision, the Bank of England interest decision and Trichet's press conference. And Paukas was suspiciously silent on the forum the day before.
I bought it in the morning and it's gone. If you see Trichet - don't touch him, he's mine :))

I asked you to do the math on your own, according to your own rules. But you didn't want to. Because the result would be the same. 50/50

Ok, let's try one last method - the topiker has a trending TS. His TS gives a strange anomaly ON MONTHS!!! Did you get it? Not on Wednesdays, not on Tuesdays. More than 70% of losing trades are on ONE DAY OF THE WEEK!!! Which one? FRIDAY!!!

How's that? Did you get it?


OK, let's try one last method - the writer has a trending TS. His TS gives a strange anomaly ON MONTHS!!! Did you get it? Not on Wednesdays, not on Tuesdays. More than 70% of losing trades are on ONE DAY OF THE WEEK!!! Which one? FRIDAY!!!

How's that? Got it?

I answer you - the problem is not fixation or increased volatility. It's something else, who knows what. Feuerstein?
My answer to you is that the problem is not fixation or increased volatility. It's something else, who knows what. Feuerstein?

You don't know the reason, you can't prove the absence of a fixation effect?

You don't know the reasons, you can't prove the lack of a fixation effect?

Of course I don't know the reasons, and your fixation does not exist.

If there is, prove it, give me some statistics. I will look at it, and I will also make a fuss about it.