exit from a location +martingale - page 2


In your case, to break the lock is the same as to enter the entire deposit, so there is nothing to do but choose the direction, to the south or to the north.

If you don't realize this, you may close profitable deals when the price approaches them and look for rebound, enter on Asia and the first half of Europe, it's dangerous to work on rebound, ideal to catch a counterflow on Asia. EUR/BAC

If you need any advantage, you may wait for a smooth rebound, it may have corrections, but the main thing is not to exceed the distance you need after closing the profit and coming in at breakeven.

Don't fuss, wait a day or two, wait a week, the moment will be right.


there are several ways out of the location:
1) close everything and start from the beginning
2) close a part
3) Suppose that the price reached the bottom/top and unblock a part of the lock
4) use new trades to gain some profit and then eliminate the lock step by step.

NSA responded.

there are several ways out of the location:
1) close everything and start from the beginning
2) close a part
3) Suppose that the price reached the bottom/top and unblock a part of the lock
4) use new trades to gain some profit and then eliminate the lock step by step.

Which part should be closed, the most unprofitable positions? I have a feeling that this is the best way to get the dealer to close the losing part of the position.

there are several ways out of the location:
1) close everything and start from the beginning
2) close a part
3) Suppose that the price reached the bottom/top and unblock a part of the lock
4) use new trades to gain some profit and then eliminate the lock step by step.

If in point 1 "start again" means again lock + martin, then it is easier not to do anything: in a long period the result will not change.

what part to close, the most unprofitable positions? it's doubtful. You may unblock a part of it... but what part and how? a new deal will probably open only one and with great difficulty, funds are very scarce

to start with - go to sleep - let the situation change that got you into the breach

if you decide to unlock the lock

so usually (psychologically) unblock part (preferably small means) in profit - and wait for the rollback - then close the exposed negative part - and start over - unblock the lock for all the money is very difficult - usually it ends uncle coli

it is possible to add funds and unlock the lock with new earnings and circumstances

If in point 1 "start over" means again lock + martin, then it is easier to do nothing: over a long period of time the result will not change.

Of course - "a hollow man will be healed" - the man just wants to find a solution now - and what to do "later" - that is another matter

"Start over" does not necessarily mean using the same strategy - there is the accumulation of experience and conclusions


If you can't, but you really want to, then you can't.

A smoke break.


Of course - "a man is a mendicant" - the man just wants to find a way out now - and what to do "later" - that's another matter.

There is only one way out, IMHO, naturally: if you want to learn how to make money as a trader - do not stray from reality. Take a calculator, sit down and calculate - there are more than enough topics with examples - honestly tell yourself that if you did not want to learn on your own and did not want to pay for training before you started trading then you had to pay for the experience with funds from a real account...... If there is no desire to learn how to earn by trading - it is all the same what to do ....

As for using experience - that's the most valuable thing you can get .... 100% agree.

full lock - can be imagined for not having any open positions. then the question can be presented as follows... "how to make money"... ( what strategy should we use?)