America's default, in Russian. - page 7


Every nation in the world has only its national interest at heart. It's just that the US does it better than anyone else.

Do you really think so? ))) The US has long had no national interests whatsoever and neither does the rest of the Western world. There are only the interests of multinational corporations, which have long crossed all imaginable boundaries of states. Wars, revolutions, and local conflicts are their most profitable businesses. And the United States is given the role of a cudgel. ))) ) And they do not give a damn about the U.S. or anyone else, for that matter. They just don't give a shit where they belong for now. If they don't need America for some reason, they will bring it down in 24 hours. )))

For the newly minted Nostradamuses, free information to ponder:

Japan faces Hague tribunal

Dumping radioactive water into the ocean is an international crime

Japan has raised the threat level at Fukushima Daiichi from level 5 to 7

Japan: losses to exceed $300 billion

If the U.S. Congress refuses to raise the country's public debt ceiling, it will be comparable to Armageddon for the U.S. economy. That warning was voiced by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney at a White House press briefing today. The United States Government continues to fight over financial and economic issues with no let-up in the tensions between the executive and legislative branches. ITAR-TASS notes that, late last week, this scuffle nearly resulted in a temporary suspension of the US government. It was possible to avert such an outcome at the very last moment with the help of an agreement which provides for unprecedented cuts - by $38.5 billion at once - in the expenditure part of the country's federal budget for the current fiscal year. This was mentioned at the briefing, but it is a thing of the past. Now the centre of attention is shifting to the problem of the US national debt.

The debt ceiling is set at an astronomical $14.29 trillion. But US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner warned the other day that the ceiling could be "breached" as early as 16 May unless Congress agrees to raise it. According to the minister, in such a "catastrophic" case "a default by the United States would cause a crisis bigger than the one we have just gone through. I am referring to the so-called Great Recession which recently hit the USA and caused huge damage worldwide.

Now Carney, following Geithner and others, reminded that the issue is "US creditworthiness," the undermining of which would be a "disaster" for the country and its partners. He called on Congress to raise the debt ceiling in time and to adopt a "clean", i.e. non-conditional resolution. The Republican opposition in Congress, as reporters recalled, warned in advance that it would not agree to a further debt increase without a simultaneous new spending cut.

A spokesman confirmed that on Wednesday at George Washington University. George Washington University on Wednesday, incumbent US President Barack Obama will outline his approaches to reducing the country's budget deficit and national debt levels.


The new Nostradamuses are engaged in predictions of Armageddon.

And what does this information say? That the U.S. has a very large national debt? And that they themselves know it? And that congress and the president? And that they themselves understand the danger of this situation? And that they're looking for a solution to the problem?

And what?

Yes, Japan dumped radioactive waste into the ocean. So what? How much waste have all countries dumped? Hundreds of them. France has conducted all its nuclear tests in the ocean at the Moro-Roi Atoll.

This earthquake is Japan's chance to get out of the crisis it's been in for the last 10 years.

There will be no default by the US and Japan anytime soon.

Do you really think so? ))) The US has long had no national interests whatsoever like the rest of the Western world. There are only the interests of multinational corporations, which have long crossed every conceivable boundary of states. Wars, revolutions, and local conflicts are their most profitable businesses. And the United States is given the role of a cudgel. ))) ) And they do not give a damn about the U.S. or anyone else, for that matter. They just don't give a shit where they belong for now. If they don't need America for some reason, they will bring it down in 24 hours. )))

If the US and other countries don't have their own national interests, it's a scoop that every news agency in the world has missed.

This is some kind of conspiracy theory. Of course it is possible, but world history has yet to know the precedent of an economically highly developed country of the world being "brought down to the bottom in 24 hours" by global multinationals.

I don't usually get into politics (I'm not strong). But I don't like Japan's raising of the official danger level from 5th to 7th, Chernobyl - and without explanation. It's an indirect hint that the worst is not over. And if it starts, it will be dozens of times worse than Chernobyl, because the problem of cooling and isolation of hazardous materials has not been solved, and there are 50 times more materials than at Chernobyl.
I don't usually get into politics (not really). But I don't like the fact that Japan has raised the official danger level from 5th to 7th, the Chernobyl one - and without any explanation. It's an indirect hint that the worst is not over. And if it starts, it will be dozens of times worse than Chernobyl, because the problem of cooling and isolation of hazardous materials has not been solved, and there are 50 times more materials than at Chernobyl.

and how can one not think of Vanga...

I used to think of it as a "fairy tale", but the facts don't add up to a fairy tale at all (((.

Everyone may have seen this story on the Runet a couple of years ago

God forbid it should turn out to be a fairy tale after all...


and how can one not think of Vanga...

I used to think of it as a "fairy tale", but the facts don't add up to a fairy tale at all (((.

Everyone may have seen this story on the Runet a couple of years ago

God forbid it turns out to be a fairy tale after all...

I love optimism

But I don't like Japan's raising of the official danger level from 5th to 7th, Chernobyl - and without explanation

The reasons have been explained, namely radiation within ten thousand TBq (terabecquerels) per hour, which corresponds to hazard level 7 on the international INES scale

Yes, I saw it, Yura. But I still feel a little uncomfortable: on the one hand, the Japanese officialdom (and most of our nuclear workers) trumpets that nothing as bad as Chernobyl will happen.

On the other hand, there is a level 7, Chernobyl. And the fuel cooling/insulation problems are not solved.

How long did it take our people to solve these problems? And how much time and effort will the Japanese have to do the same? They practically have not done anything yet...


and how can one not think of Vanga...

I used to think of it as a "fairy tale", but the facts don't add up to a fairy tale at all (((.

Everyone may have seen this story on the Runet a couple of years ago

God forbid it turns out to be a fairy tale after all...

there's a lot of "wangas" these days.

"Death is the most interesting thing that can happen in life..." BG

Maybe the Japs will take a long time to sort out their poisoning. They will. But what if it happens to us - it's scary to think about it. However, it's just a mess...))