A sub-workshop to fill in the FAQ (frequently asked questions). Let's help comrades! - page 20


Usually get caught reopening a position on the same bar.

What are the terms of the ToR? Should we open as long as there is a signal, but no more than one order?

But only a lazy person would not check for already existing orders.

It's time to write simple answers with examples:
- how to program the Expert Advisor to open a bar
- how to prevent re-opening of positions

There are a lot of repeated questions.

I can't do simple ones, I can only do very simple ones:

1. If the Expert Advisor should work only on bar opening, then the best solution would be to place in the beginning of the start() function the operator: if( !NewBar() ) return;

The description of the NewBar() function can be easily found in S. Kovalev's tutorial.

2. In order to prevent re-opening of positions within one bar, proceed as described in point 1.


What are the terms of the ToR? To open while there is a signal, but not more than one order?

But only a lazy person would not check for orders already in place.

What are the conditions? They work on bar opening (TS), but they code in such a way, that it opens on every tick, that's all :)
Does the society think it would be a good idea to make a section on "Testing and History of Quotes", where to add help on the most common test and history questions?
- How to pump up the quote history before testing?
- What do the history errors in the test report mean and what do they affect?
- Why I cannot pump up the minutes to a larger depth, what does it depend on?
- Why isn't the test running, but the tester writes something to me in the log?
- How can I go from "Results" tab to the deal I need on the chart?
- etc. etc.
Good idea, imho.

Well, there's actually a section for that. It's called the tester.

These threads have been moved there.

How to open a .csv in Excel 2010 correctly

There are different solutions.

1. Rename .csv to .txt, then Excel should give you a standard menu asking you to choose a delimiter. Seems a bit illogical approach, imho.
2. Replace all ',' in the file with ';' - separator for European languages. Cool, but I don't want to change source file and bother ignoring ';' characters that I have there as text
3. Change the system language settings. Generally some kind of nonsense.
4. Add first line sep=, . Simple and elegant=)

Actually, my way is solution #4.

Open your .csv file in any text editor and add the first line sep=,
That's it. Excel 2010 now knows the comma separator again.
How to open a .csv in Excel 2010 correctly

... Open your .csv file in any text editor and add sep= on the first line,
That's it. Excel 2010 now knows the comma separator again.
Do I add to the beginning of the first line, then a space, or to the first line, then a line break?
Do I add at the beginning of the first line, then a space, or at the first line, then a line break?
This will be the very first line. Tested it. It works, but with one separator. It doesn't work with a space.
I think it would be useful to do so if you have WIN7 then to record the sequence Crash or Error use the standard program "psr.exe" entered through the command line then click on the meaning of the record.... (for those who subscribe to "service desk")