A sub-workshop to fill in the FAQ (frequently asked questions). Let's help comrades! - page 21

Didn't find any advice in the answers on how to work offline. It is described here.

Hi all. Please advise, how to give a link not to a page, but to a concrete post on a forum?

I can't figure it out...


Hi all. Please tell me how to give a link not to a page, but to a specific post on the forum?

I can't figure it out...

There was an in-depth discussion somewhere recently, can't find it right away.

My way is to translate the page text into HTML, find the post ID and manually append the link to the page number.
Something like this:

Yeah, found a discussion:


Through a search - Couldn't find any advice on how to work offline in the answers.



Hi all. Please advise, how to give a link not to a page, but to a concrete post on a forum?

I can't figure it out...

It would be good to add links to articles.

About transferring the indicator code to the Expert Advisor, basic articles.

Many people like clocks with different time zones.

Few people know that you can add them by system means directly to the taskbar in addition to the usual system clock with a registry tweak.


Hi all. Please advise, how to give a link not to a page, but to a concrete post on a forum?

I can't figure it out...

I've installed a script, it's very handy



I have a suggestion.

On more than one occasion I've seen another of the moderators refer newbies to the forum navigator thread. Today the FAQ moderator just shouted his heart out by drawing and coloring the navigation tab in the newbies thread. So I thought it would be nice to have this navigation in the forum header as a panel. Just look, there's a panel like this on the forum:

If under it will be these links (maybe in a more condensed form):

then most likely silly questions on the forum will diminish significantly. Simply because this table already contains a lot of answers to frequently asked questions. If it is always in front of your eyes, it's only for the best.


Or you could make a navigation sidebar (even floating as the page scrolls). You can't really sell square monitors anymore - they're already widescreen everywhere, so there's plenty of room on the horizon.