New Forex - page 3

and you go to the nearest clothing market for an upgrade, if that market works your way after you, I take my hat off to you.

The market works according to its own, sometimes harsh rules, but still the rules, they are much more complex than the dancing of quotes on the screen, but in this clothing market you will honestly make money, not sell out immediately, if you really know how to think market-wise. The entire economy is based on a real market with its own strict self-regulating rules, nothing can happen if currencies are traded according to these laws of product sales. On the other hand, the currency is still a commodity, but it is not subject to the laws of the sale of commodities. It became an instrument of the game and would remain so, but once it left the game, it played with the fate of people and nations. If such a mechanism is acceptable to society, let Forks exist forever in its present form, just try to modify it, keeping its best qualities and introducing real market rules; believe me, it should be even more interesting and attractive.

The market works according to its own, sometimes harsh rules, but still the rules, they are much more complicated than the dancing of quotes on the screen, but in this commodity market you will honestly earn, rather than sell out immediately, if you really know how to think market-wise. The entire economy is based on a real market with its own strict self-regulating rules, nothing can happen if currencies are traded according to these laws of product sales. On the other hand, the currency is still a commodity, but it is not subject to the laws of the sale of commodities. It became an instrument of the game and would remain so, but when it left the game, it played with the fate of people and nations. If this mechanism is acceptable to society, let Forks exist forever in its present form, just try to modify it, keeping its best qualities and introducing real market rules, believe me, it should be even more interesting and attractive.

As for the RTS, it works according to the rule: find a cheaper price and sell to a higher bidder, that's the only rule that allows them to make money, all other rules do not count.

The only rule you can make money with is that you have to find the cheapest and sell to the highest bidder.

I take it we are talking about a market in which everyone, without exception, makes only profits, and comfortably so, because they know its pattern )))

Only the more astute and far-sighted ones, like in the real market. By the way, why are you not satisfied with the real market? Probably there are no "lottery" situations, like on the Forex market, when we are tirelessly watching for chance, without thinking about the consequences. It would be OK if we understood Forex, we play at chance, even the rules of entry and exit are not formulated, everything is based on chance coincidences. A real market should leave room for human effort to make more profit.

And all this nonsense is coming from a man who a couple of weeks ago
was gushing about how the grail had been found....that the price has everything - to predict
its future movement... tinny )))

...write Yusya...write...))


Only more shrewd and farsighted, like in the real market. By the way, what is it about the real market that does not satisfy you?
It cynically spits on my foresight and foresight )))

and all this nonsense is coming from a man who a few weeks ago
...who a couple of weeks ago was ranting about how the grail had been found....that the price has everything to predict...
its future movement ... tinny)))

...write Yusya... write...))

This pattern exists and I do not deny it, but it turns out that it is not for the human mind, but for the computer, and what is the use of such a market if a person cannot understand it through the power of his mind? Then it is not a market, where a person could adequately demonstrate his skills in analysing situations. Forex is a mixture of monopoly, uncontrolled random processes and reverse trading logic.

Well folks, I'm very surprised at you)

A man expresses his opinion, by the way, in my opinion too, an opinion somewhat delusional.... But the reaction of our esteemed assembly does not stand up to criticism, I'm surprised that the topic starter was not pelted with rotten vegetables and anathema. Let's be more respectful, patient and tolerant of any dissent)

The topek starter is right about one thing, commodity markets and the foreign exchange market really have little in common.


This pattern exists and I do not deny it, but it turns out that it is not for the human mind, but for the computer, and what is the market for, if a person cannot understand it through the power of his mind? Then it is not a market, where a person could adequately demonstrate his skills in analysing situations. Forex is a mixture of monopoly, uncontrolled random processes and reverse trading logic.

1.First of all, you should apologize for messing with people's minds with an imaginary grail... ...and put it in the codebase for beginners... not create branches - psychological defense - excuses ... and honestly admit to yourself ... that there is no understanding of the market ...

3.Once this is done - a new vision of the market will come ... and people may or may not ...

but at least they will look at it differently...

good luck...


Well folks, I'm very surprised at you)

A man expresses his opinion, by the way, in my opinion too, an opinion somewhat delusional.... But the reaction of our esteemed assembly does not stand up to criticism, I'm surprised the starter's topic was not pelted with rotten vegetables and anathema. Let's be more respectful, patient and tolerant of any dissent)

Topeka starter is right about one thing, commodity markets and the foreign exchange market really have little in common.

Many things will become clear from the cited link, which specifically indicates by whom, when and for what purpose this genie was released from a bottle, from which the official authorities who created it are refusing, but willingly use its services at the right time, but did not warn about its terrible properties, like unpredictability due to lack of control, noting only that it is a kind of business with a high risk of loss. It is so cleverly contrived that the commodity you purchased, which is currency, can disappear in the blink of an eye, even though you intended to risk only a negative increment in the value of the currency if your trading strategy fails, as happens with any commodity purchased for commercial purposes, and forex swings the entire value of the commodity and successfully manages this fiscal policy. The paradox is that the commodity purchased for business purposes disappears entirely into an increment of that same currency. You can console yourself with the fact that your commodity hasn't actually disappeared, but it has helped the currency gain a new competitive value, but that doesn't make your wallet feel any better. In the new Forex there should be no room for the very possibility of disappearance of the currency, though the commercial risk should be kept within reasonable limits like in the common market. This can be achieved by giving only you the right, within the value of the vanished currency, to open a sell operation at any time you want, and not to anyone who has nothing to do with bringing the value of the currency to such a high level that it became possible to steam in a sell operation! In adverse circumstances, i.e. a decrease in the value of the currency you bought, you must be able to wait for the situation with the currency in your hands, even if slightly devalued, it will certainly recover in value and bring you profit, because DTs will try by all means to repurchase them from you, exactly repurchase, and not lure, as now.

margaret 28.03.2011 22:55


Forex (sometimes FX, from FOReign EXchange ) is a market for interbank currency exchange at free prices (quotes formed without restrictions or fixed values). Usually, the term Forex market (FX-market) is used. The term Forex is commonly used to refer to a mutual exchange of currencies but not the totality of currency transactions.....



Yusuf, as a candidate - what is your secret?

P.S. Can I take it to you in private...