About the feet (for the first time) - page 5

Yes, more often. But it's easier to trade on higher TFs, for some reason.
Hand - I agree. More time to think about it, etc.

Forget about the feet -

It's like telling a fisherman - forget about the fish, go out on the GPS to the right square, throw the net at a calculated moment, and pull them with a strictly calculated effort ... :)

Can we put that last sentence out of brackets? Because, indeed, winners are not judged and all that - but then the discussion becomes pointless too.

"Because the TP/spred and SL/spred ratio is better on the older TF" - that's not necessarily true as far as I know. I've done research, just the opposite - candlestick size decreases on a larger timeframe, unless of course the currency is falling with a terrible squeal... Even if the currency falls, just calculate the average movement on a 15-minute candlestick, and then do the same on an hour candlestick. You will be surprised. A small candlestick moves harder, roughly speaking, a 1-minute candlestick will easily make 3 pips - but 3X60 = 180 pips, you have to look for it.

The size of the candlesticks has nothing to do with it. I'm talking about the size of the shapes, the shapes we call shapes like the ones marked in red in the picture:


hands - I agree. More time to think about it, etc.

No, it's not. The reason is the attitude already voiced, not that there is more time to decide. This is almost as true for a handbrake as it is for an automatic.


It's not the size of the stop that matters, but the ratio of the stop to the spread. If stop/spread=1, then we will immediately close with a loss-spread. Or, for example, we have a system with tp=10p and sl=10p, spread is 2 points. In order to get an advantage, the target must be reached more than 66% of the time. If we have the same spread, tp=sl=100p, then it should be enough to achieve targeting more than 50.5% of times.

As for the rest, the value of the stop is dictated by the pattern used, not by the desire to make it larger or smaller.

That's what I've started this thread against - sorry - people being guided by such nonsense. "It's not the size of the stop that matters, it's the ratio of the stop to the spread". - That's easy for you to say... do you know in the morning what the value will be by evening? Or didn't anyone here trade the pound last week when a pair of spikes, each the size of a four storey house, sort of hit many who know where the price will go? They're not talking now - they're probably collecting money...

It's not. The reason is the attitude already voiced, not that there is more time to make a decision. This is almost as true for a handbrake as it is for an automatic.

The reason is that you should trade where the advantage is found, not because of reducing the spread costs or maximizing the theoretical profit. If there is no advantage, trade wherever you want. And if the advantage is found both on large frames and on small ones, then both should be traded)))

Размер свечек тут, в общем то ни причем. Я говорю о размерах фигур, фигурами называю такие формообразования, типа выделенных красным на рисунке:

Да нет же. Причина в озвученном уже отношении, а не в том, что времени на принятие решения больше. Это почти в равной степени так же справедливо и для "ручника" и для автомата.

It's against this kind of, sorry, nonsense that I started this thread. "It's not the size of the stop that matters, it's the ratio of the stop to the spread." - That's easy for you to say... do you know in the morning what the value will be in the evening? Or didn't anyone here trade the pound last week, when a pair of spikes, each the size of a four-story house, kind of hit many who know where the price will go? They're not talking now - they're probably collecting money...

what is the nonsense? that the stop, as well as other system parameters, are determined by the market pattern used, or that spread costs are greater when trading smaller movements?

The size of the candles has nothing to do with it. I'm talking about the size of shapes, I'm talking about shapes like the ones highlighted in red in the picture:

No, it's not. The reason is the already voiced attitude, not that there is more time to make a decision. This is almost equally true for a "handheld" and an automaton.

I mean, red circles and a monkey can draw....

What is the nonsense? that the stop, as well as other system parameters, are determined by the market pattern used, or that spread costs are greater when trading smaller movements?

It depends on what you call a pattern. If it is a religious belief that once on Monday, at 16:42 to open a sell position (and call it a pattern) - then yes.

About correlation of timeframe and vertical movement, I think I wrote long ago - everything says in favour of the smaller timeframe. This I calculated without being a mathematician, just on a ruler.


It depends on what you call a pattern. If it is a religious belief that once on Monday, at 16:42 to open a sell position (and call it a pattern) - then yes.

About correlation of timeframe and vertical movement, I think I wrote long ago - everything says in favour of the smaller timeframe. This I calculated without being a mathematician, just on a country ruler.

What does "everything" say in favour of the smaller timeframe? I'm not arguing, just wondering ;)