Experts: RoNz Auto SL-TS-TP v.2 - page 7


Please add a Money Management function with buy and sell button on the chart. 

A variable to enter risk % to auto generate trade lot size to lose per trade in relation to SL, calculated  based on the current balance or equity.

Thank You 


Dear Roni Nafrianto - programmer,

I ask you please help me, this EA you made is working with manual orders But not change for my ea positions.

Could you please update this EA to put Magic Numbers so it can work 100%

Thank you very much sir

This EA should works on all positions including orders made by EA. But It cannot filter them.

adding moneymanagement instead of hard-set pips would make this ea simply the best!

 but besides that, it makes trading really more easy. I can place a order on the sofa with the ipad using onetouch/click,

my mt4 in the office will take care via this ea about stoploss and securing minimum profits.

that is really great.

Mario Hennenberger:

adding moneymanagement instead of hard-set pips would make this ea simply the best!

 but besides that, it makes trading really more easy. I can place a order on the sofa with the ipad using onetouch/click,

my mt4 in the office will take care via this ea about stoploss and securing minimum profits.

that is really great.

Thanks for your feedback. :)

what is the aim of this two options

1- Target pips to lock profit

2- profit to lock

can you give me examples about them? 

and about trailing stop

 if i put trailing stop = 500 ,it means 500 point or 50 point

and the same question about trailing step

if i put it =  50 , it means 50 points or 5 points

thank you for this good ea 

Hello. The ea stopped working with the build 985. Could you look into this for us & make an update? Thank you very much.

well built EA, its operating good and well thank you.

you may even consider symbol specific option  addition to all open position and current chart.all in all its real good EA.

Hey guys, please help I'm a boob. I installed this as it should. But it doesn't seem to do anything. How do I get it to work exactly? How do I get it to trade when I want or when I get a signal? Thanks in advance 
Hey guys, please help I'm a boob. I installed this as it should. But it doesn't seem to do anything. How do I get it to work exactly? How do I get it to trade when I want or when I get a signal? Thanks in advance 
This is just for automatic stoploss, take profit. Not for opening order.
gan roni, pengertian Trailing Stop Method (Classic, Step Keep Distance, Step By Step) dari masing2 ketiga option itu gimana gan? ane msh belum paham gan metodenya. Mohon penjelasannya gan roni. Makasih
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