[Archive! - page 705


Yeah, the problems of sovereign nations. They can't even rat on their neighbour :)

You're joking, though :)

Alexei, get off the subject a bit. Look at it from the outside. What are the beliefs of the attackers on Andrei based on? I'm using the same facts. I have different conclusions.

So? Why is mine wrong and yours right? So you could say you're fooling around, too.

Because you don't have a single fact and you're sophisticating. I don't have any either, but I do have circumstantial evidence.

If moskitman, after all these attacks, has not yet written "I called the Ministry of Emergency Situations, I did, measures have been taken!" - what conclusions would a normal person with logic, unencumbered by all kinds of terms like the presumption of innocence draw?

Do you realise that Andrei did a conscious act, based on his own notions that a man should control his own destiny, without referring to or trusting anyone else?

Because you don't have a single fact, you are engaging in sophistry. I have none either, but there is circumstantial evidence.

If moskitman, after all these attacks, has not yet written "yes I called the Ministry of Emergency Situations, I called, measures have been taken!" - what conclusions would a normal person with logic, unencumbered by all kinds of terms like presumption of innocence draw?

Fantasies again. I have a full set of the same facts, evidence and other things as you do. But my conclusions are different. How are they any worse than yours? They are just like yours, built on fantasies around the same facts and evidence.
Zhunko: Do you realise that Andrei did a conscious act, based on his own ideas that a man should control his own destiny without referring to or relying on anyone else?

He did a shitty thing. That's no way to build a normal country.

If they had taken him to the cliff and blown him up, it would have been better.

Another fantasy. I have a full set of the same facts, evidence and otherwise as you do. But my conclusions are different. How are they any worse than yours? They're just like yours, built on fantasies around the same facts and evidence.

Look around you and see what others are writing. Or do you think they're all wrong?


... "Yes, I called the Ministry of Emergency Situations, I did, action taken!" ...

I have a feeling that some of the mushroom pickers are going to have a GREAT crop of mushrooms this year... :-)


If they had taken it to the cliff and detonated it, the act would have been better.

Yeah... and it was a chemically-charged land mine... - You should never do that, it's up to the bomb disposal specialists to decide on the method of disposal... of a particular ammunition, including a World War II shell...

He did a shitty thing. That's no way to build a normal country.

If they had reached the cliff and blown it up, the act would have been better.

Yeah, well, you can always see better from the outside in hindsight. Like, in hindsight :-))

I would have done the same thing if I were him. But I'd report it. I always report irregularities.

You have to learn to be responsible for yourself before you build a country. Not assume that someone will do everything for you.


Komarov, you'd better call or someone else will. The situation is very interesting - There's a mine on a stump. Who put it there? Comrade Komarov.


Look around you and see what others are writing. Or do you think they are all wrong?

Alexei, don't you understand that there is no such thing as right and wrong, or that everyone can be right and wrong at the same time? It all depends on the point of view.

They are pieces of a whole. They are inseparable. I stood up for Andrei because the odds aren't in his favor. I always do that. I balance it out.