[Archive! - page 672

The reasons behind the current situation of unchanged power and the people who personify it are deeper and more fundamental, and have nothing in common with the nonsense that the crooks in the paddocks are trying to peddle. The main difference between "western" democracy and our Russian version lies in the people themselves, in society as a whole. It takes decades and several generations to bring up a mature, democratic society. Right now, we're closer to the beginning than even to the middle of the road. We passed the "nursery-kindergarten" in the 90s, and in 12 years must complete "primary school". But for today, a normal, democratic continuity of power is simply not possible. Our society is now too undeveloped to produce even one alternative strong politician to lead Russia, even once every six years. The vagueness of the opposition's slogans and thoughts is direct proof of this. And in fact we are lucky that Putin came to power. Lucky, because when such enormous power is concentrated in one hands, an authoritarian order usually begins: new camps are built for hundreds of thousands of political prisoners, any opposition movements are harshly suppressed, the instigators quickly disappear. And Putin, despite all his powers, has not gone down this road - and for that alone he should be respected. We are living in an extremely unstable and dangerous period. The new, strong, democratic society has not yet been formed. Right now it cannot stand up for itself and exercise its power. But it can very easily descend into authoritarianism and hysteria. Keeping this society from falling into a "revolution" or autocracy also costs a lot, and I can't say that Putin hasn't succeeded.

In memory - as an example of newspaper and poster thought from the times of the Soviet Union (in form), i.e. expressed in shabby language which does not resemble normal human language at all.

Sorry, Vasily, but that's exactly what you write.


No b**t, it was Putin dictating to me while I was taking notes at gunpoint.
i found a selection of old photos, i don't feel nostalgia because i was a kid back then, but interesting feelings are aroused by the people in the photos, compared to today's people - they look like at least aliens :), or maybe "dinosaurs" who died out in the 90s.....

On the contrary, modern ones look more like aliens - big eyes, no pronounced gaze (some vegetative state in life).

I was very surprised in the early 90s when all sorts of bourgeois films came out - the main character in a coma... There was no such thing as being in a coma. Whatever it was, it was either conscious or not at all. Now vegetative living is natural.


In memory - as a sample of newspaper and placard thought of the times of the Soviet Union (in form), i.e. expressed in clichéd language, not at all like a normal human.

Sorry, Vasily, but that's exactly what you write.

"Normal human" as in? Oh, I get it, you have to write: "Putin is an asshole! Freedom to the prisoners of the Bolotnaya revolution!", or "Say no to the party of thieves and crooks!", "We are for fair elections!

Read the classics, gentlemen, they are classics for being relevant at all times, irrespective of the momentary conjuncture. As Professor Preobrazhensky said, destruction begins in our heads. Understand one thing, they shit in your hallways, not because Putin cannot clean up, not because they do not give you the money to clean up the mess, but because the people around you have a mentality of bulls. Until everyone has a clear civic position and seeks to defend not only their own interests but also the interests of the society in which they live, they will continue to shit in our stairwells. No government will be able to eradicate this evil.

And maybe, in Alexei's opinion, I am speaking in cliché again. But it's better to quote the thoughts of great Russian thinkers than to slip into a state of mindless cattle, and chant slogans invented by nobody on the marsh, thinking that such thoughts are original and innovative.

C-4: Than to descend into a state of mindless animals, and chant slogans invented by nobody at the marsh, thinking such thoughts are original and innovative.

Well, no one was smart at the rallies, and the slogans look like a cry from the soul, and the fact that in your understanding the people are not free citizens of their country, but the cattle that should stand in the stall is clear, so why repeat yourself over and over again

C-4: "Normal human" as in what?

You don't get it. Go on, go on, speak in a poster-speak that has nothing to do with "the classics".


Well, no one was smart at the rallies, and the slogans look like a cry from the soul, and the fact that in your understanding the people are not free citizens of their country, but the cattle that should stand in the stall is already clear, so why repeat yourself over and over again?

I'm not saying that "our people = boor". Cattle is a condition of society which is incapable of critical judgement, which is incapable of choosing its own life priorities, people in this society are unable, unwilling and afraid to stand up for one another, they need strict, centralized control from above. Such a society has the ideal prerequisites for the creation of a brutal authoritarian regime. And Putin could easily create a regime in our society that would surpass even that of North Korea. Our country had all the prerequisites for this: a wealth of historical experience, Putin's experience as a KGB Chekist, the president's unlimited power, and a pocket parliament ready to change the Russian constitution at his beck and call, as he would have wanted. If Putin had wanted to, the ashes of those nice, homely people in your pictures would now be sprinkled over the fields of our vast country instead of fertilizer. The mere thought makes one cringe at what could happen even now, but isn't happening just because he doesn't want it to. But if terror begins, no one will care about these nice little pet hamsters, because everyone in our society is on their own. All of you, crawl into your warm holes and shiver with fear that somebody will knock on your door and someone will not come home.

But you've been given freedom, you're free to write rubbish on the Internet, you can hold rallies against anything on the weekends, and you sincerely believe that you live in an authoritarian regime. But you have forgotten your country's history; you have not read, or have not yet understood, what was written by our great Russian writers, whose thoughts anticipated events in our country many years in advance. Therefore, you do not understand multifaceted processes, which are going on now; you do not see the depth of the abyss our society can easily fall into. People like you are justifiably and deservedly compared to hamsters - they are creatures who do not see beyond their noses, who are highly susceptible to suggestion from whatever, and who have the property of repeatability of their behaviour.

C-4: Blah, blah, blah He doesn't want that.

Of course, who would want to be banned from going to Europe? Dictators are out of fashion these days.

So you do not understand all the multifaceted processes that are taking place today, you do not see the depth of the abyss into which our society can easily fall. People like you are compared justifiably and deservedly with hamsters - they are creatures who do not see further than their noses.

Yeah, we would do what we should do: doctors (and teachers) treat (teach) for free, police/road police do not need to be feared because they are guarantors of law and order, everyone has the right to work and to decent wages, deputies/officials work for one purpose - to help citizens of their country... - that's pretty much how it is in this country of ours...

in the country with the richest natural resources and one of the poorest people in the world, in the country with the largest land area and where import of agricultural products increases every year, in the country where they are able to make spacecrafts, but cannot make domestic cars and electronics (nanobolt not included :) ), in the country where the population is constant due to migrants from former Soviet republics....

OK, I've made my point, our life is getting better and better, there is somebody to fight for housing and utilities services, one can feel that the man failed in previous years, this time he will definitely do everything as promised:

2001 "Putin warned against carrying out housing and utilities reform at the expense of worsening living conditions. "

2002 "Putin: Only such an approach will help allay our citizens' fears that the entire housing and utilities reform will amount to a bare increase in tariffs".

2003 "Putin: "The housing and utilities problem cannot be solved by 'raising administrative tariffs

2005 "Putin Demanded an End to the 'Bacchanalia' with Housing and Utilities Services".

2006 "Putin is dissatisfied with the growth of housing and utility tariffs".

2007 "Putin called for an end to the unjustified growth of housing and utility tariffs".

2008 "Putin: The growth rates of housing and utility tariffs may be lowered".

2009 "Putin: Speculative increases in housing and utility tariffs are unacceptable".

2010 "Putin: Housing and utility tariffs should not increase by more than 25 percent".

2011 (January) "Putin demands tough punishment for officials over rising housing and utilities tariffs".

2011 (May) "Housing and utilities sector cannot be reformed at the expense of the population, says Putin"

2011 (November) "Putin: No one should inflate prices in the housing and utilities sector "

PS: I do not know how else to explain that people took to the streets because they were tired of lies of the state, which has been embodied by only one person for 12 years, and this same person in the 2000s criticized the one-party system of the USSR, stagnation in the USSR, and if I am not mistaken, the military industrial complex was also the cause of poor living standards of workers in the USSR - now he claims that the military industrial complex is the new engine of economic growth

ZS: Vasily, do not you think that you are constantly trying to learn about the future? (here you again paint a horrible picture of a possible dictatorship, etc.) Well, there is no future, there is only the present, just as you can not think for someone else - but you keep saying that you understand what is in the minds of government officials, while I only see specific actions, or at most current trends