[Archive! - page 408


What else do you consider an indicator of democracy? What else is there to tell?

How you are exhausted under the heel of a tyrant.

You don't seem to be quite aware of what you have and what you are changing it all for.

Is there an understanding that medicine, education, housing, production, agriculture will all come to an end? Any confidence in the future at all? That you will all together go to the EU to clean the toilets?

That there will be redistribution and big bloodshed with shooting?

That the current "vodka abounds, so do drugs, diasporas exist" will end up in a really murky mess and a million per year in extinction?

Where are these fantasies that the newcomers will be "more careful maybe, more thoughtful, more moderate. Maybe just a little. But still. At least."?

What are you missing there?


What are you missing there?


More like Russian roulette.

Give everyone a semi-automatic pistol with a single round of ammunition.

That's how we win.


Is there an understanding that medicine, education, housing, production, agriculture will all come to an end?

Do you have an understanding that they will come anyway, and the further they go, the worse the consequences will be?

That you will all go to the EU to clean toilets?

I would rather go to the EU than work as guest workers in Moscow because the salaries are not good enough.

Sorry, but what's in your head is what we call the "BT of the brain".

Good luck with that. I do not have the slightest desire to continue a dialogue with someone who does not understand the situation and tries to play the all-knowing oracle.


Good luck with that. I do not have the slightest desire to continue the dialogue with someone who does not know the situation and is trying to play the all-knowing oracle.

The fantasist who dreams that the newcomers will be "more careful, more thoughtful, more moderate" is gone. Maybe just a little. But still. At least .".

He's raring to go to the EU. Toilet cleaning. He does not think about the fact that no one needs him there, that there is nowhere to put his own people.

Well, good luck to you.


Well, good luck with that.

The Chukcha probably isn't a reader :) and good luck to you :)
Chukcha probably is not a reader :) and good luck to you :)
Clenching their fists desperately, until they are blue in the face,
The hamsters walk on the ground in a direction we don't know.
Hamsters walk slowly, but confidently, proudly, firmly,
Though some may laugh at their fearless faces (and muzzles).
In the night they hide in the reeds, in the daytime they go out into the wide fields...
Hamsters manage to escape from their cage to the wild.
Let their eyes dazzle, their ears prickle, This world impossibly new
In them stirs and strengthens spirit, so militant, hamster-like.
"Courage up!" dictates their willpower and faith in strength.
Hamsters have taken a bite of life and been stunned by it.
The hamsters are mercilessly carried into the whirlwind of live TV...
They just want to go, that's all! They'd like to go out into the world, but out into the world!
Tearing the old days to shreds, Rambling with uncharted newness,

Hamsters walk on the ground, believing they are bears!

(I don't know.

UPD: © Copyright: Katja Volkova, 2007

Certificate of publication #1711041203

Thanks sergeev for the information.

Clenching their fists desperately, until they are blue in the face,
The hamsters walk on the ground in a direction we don't know.
Hamsters walk slowly, but confidently, proudly, firmly,
Though some may laugh at their fearless faces (and muzzles).
In the night they hide in the reeds, in the daytime they go out into the wide fields...
Hamsters manage to escape from their cage to the wild.
Let their eyes dazzle, their ears prickle, This world impossibly new
In them stirs and strengthens spirit, so militant, hamster-like.
"Courage up!" dictates their willpower and faith in strength.
Hamsters have taken a bite of life and been stunned by it.
The hamsters are mercilessly carried into the whirlwind of live TV...
They just want to go, that's all! They'd like to go out into the world, but out into the world!
Tearing the old days to shreds, Rambling with uncharted newness,

Hamsters walk on the ground, believing they are bears!

(I don't know.

I guess Surkov wrote it. He's kind of a poet.
(ts) don't know

© Copyright: Katya Volkova, 2007
Certificate of publication #1711041203


"I do not agree with the slogans or the statements made at the rallies," Medvedev stressed.