[Archive! - page 276

I'm surprised at your narrow-mindedness, I didn't expect it from you. Get the 20 grand from the chauffeur as soon as possible, and then you can sort out the names in peace.

All right, Semyon it is, Semyon.

But the chauffeur had disappeared. With, as I understand it, my twenty kopecks.



Such people look like aliens in our country.


If they don't get it right the first time, they'll get it right the second time.

Nerd Herd - Barefoot


Article on debt in Greece - http://freshforex.ru/analitics/fresh-forecast/fa/issue_45896.html

It's up to Greece to decide whether to leave the eurozone or not. refusing the bailout would mean leaving the euro.


I'm going to have a smoke and laugh at myself.

Yesterday, while leafing through old articles, I was very upset by the formula given in the article for calculating the expected payoff[Expected Payoff = (ProfitTrades / TotalTrades) * (GrossProfit / ProfitTrades) - (LossTrades / TotalTrades) * (GrossLoss / LossTrades)].

I'm looking at the formula and thinking: this does not correspond to MO calculation in the Strategy Tester, where MO is calculated as Profit divided by the total number of trades.

... And I was terribly upset by this discovery...

And then... ...laughed to myself for a long, long time. ))


I'm going to smoke and laugh at myself.

Yesterday, while leafing through old articles, I was very upset by the formula given in the article for calculating the expected payoff[Expected Payoff = (ProfitTrades / TotalTrades) * (GrossProfit / ProfitTrades) - (LossTrades / TotalTrades) * (GrossLoss / LossTrades)].

I'm looking at the formula and thinking: this does not correspond to MO calculation in the Strategy Tester, where MO is calculated as Profit divided by the total number of trades.

... And I was terribly upset by this discovery...

And then... ...laughed to myself for a long, long time. ))

I don't know... who was right?

Look closer at the formula and remember your high school algebra (there are no gruesome integrals here):

Expected Payoff =

= (ProfitTrades / TotalTrades) * (GrossProfit / ProfitTrades) - (LossTrades / TotalTrades) * (GrossLoss / LossTrades) =

= GrossProfit / TotalTrades - GrossLoss / TotalTrades

= GrossResult / TotalTrades


This weekend I am receiving my third email like this, the most recent one:

From: Barrister Johan Meyer <jmey-d6@att.net>
Today, 03:25 am I would like to present a business worth $9 million USD to you. If you are interested, please reply.
Johan Meyer Esq.
United Kingdom.


This weekend I have already received a third letter like this, the most recent one:

From: Barrister Johan Meyer <jmey-d6@att.net>
Today, 03:25 am I would like to present a business worth $9 million to you. If you are interested, please reply.
Johan Meyer Esq.
United Kingdom.

It may very well be for a reason.