[Archive! - page 202

on the other hand "why not?" - any advanced gamer works with one hand on the keyboard, and the other - the mouse, or other devices. myself have not played for a long time, but in Q2 - easily controlled both keyboard and mouse.

This is working with one cumulative source of information. So you can use your legs and body.

You didn't say exactly what the other hand would be doing. That's why it's not clear.

Think small :) -- you can type with your brain later.
Holding and moving the ruler when reading printed text from a sheet of paper during "blind" printing, so that the eyes are less tired, so that the eyes "only read" and not also "hold positioning".
Holding and moving the ruler while reading printed text from a sheet of paper during "blind" printing, so that your eyes are less tired, so that your eyes "only read" and not also "hold the positioning".

You can put the sheets of paper under the keyboard and advance them a little at a time.
The important thing is that the other hand is occupied and performs a different function. why the question about the "impossibility of performing different actions" arising? is it because you cannot stroke the head with one hand and pat the belly with the other at the same time?
Why is the question about "the impossibility of performing different actions" arising? Is it because you cannot stroke your head with one hand and slap your belly with the other?

Of course, if the other hand is busy picking your nose, there is no problem with the processor in your head.

But if you have two tickers on your monitor, red and blue, you can't type the red line with your left hand on the left computer and the blue line with your right hand on the other computer.

Not necessarily. poking may be more meaningful, especially if "it itches like hell".
Better to master the market this way and then have to smoke less..........
Not really. Picking may be more important, especially if it itches like hell.

Picking is prescribed in a different part of the head from writing "text from the eye". You might not remember what you were picking later if you don't watch the video "how I type with one foot".

It's like breathing, you can use automatic or switch to manual mode, just like with blinking as opposed to heartbeat, for example. The thinking part of the brain cannot be trusted with this process.)

Actually, the manual breathing process is 'supervised'.

OK. there's a tray in the left hand. on the tray is the keyboard. only one hand is free. that's what the five-finger technique is for.