[Archive! - page 175

Intrigued. Would I be good for a small pile? :)

Sure :) I'll post on the local forum soon.

The global theme is still the same - development of the Expert Advisor with the possibility of plugins connection. The role of plugins are libraries of a certain kind.

After I dug my head in, it turned out that I am not satisfied with DOS-functions of file management. So I decided to write convenient (for me at least :) ) classes to work with files and a couple of service functions.

The class for the constant file is almost ready, I'm going to ask for help to test it. Plus ask the people what else is needed beside what we have.

The non-constant one will be (not) much harder, it will definitely take more time. Then either an article or a kodobase, depending on the volume.

The rest is a matter of technique.


Of course :) I'll post on the local forum soon.



By the way, is expected to add features to work with files.

From Service Desk :

Ilias Sharapov 2011.07.15 16:54

Added new function FileGetInteger, which allows to get file properties, particularly the date of last modification.

Wait for the new build to be released.
I already have one :)
Cool :) I'll be ready, I'll knock.

Sometimes I'll help in any way I can
Maybe I can be useful, too?
Maybe I can be of some use?

Where are you going to go? :) it's your idea, isn't it?

Thank you all :), it's a pleasure.

I'll let you know.

31 is not average, believe me. Average is when you're closer to 40.
Shit, Alexei!!! You opened my eyes! I thought it was closer to 120...

The day before yesterday, I went to Magnit to buy groceries and witnessed this:

http://vrntube.ru/video/6797/25072011-жёлтый- Hummer smashed up some cars

and my son was riding his bike nearby, what's the penalty for that? The video was not taken at first, earlier it was all fucked up


But justice has been served!!!

<a href="https://www.mql4.com/go?http://vrntube.ru/video/6798/25072011-


is that her a little later?



was it her later?

Yes, justice has been served!!!!

For her it's grief, but for everyone else it's good that it ended without casualties!!!! If she didn't notice the parked cars, she could have run over a person, much less a child...