EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 848


I don't try to justify the author, I'll have to watch the video several more times in order to get to the bottom of his strategy. I hope I have enough brains to create a similar analogy or at least understand it. If I succeed, I will share my conclusions. And now I'm off to Meat! Happy Holidays everyone! Peace, Labour, May, Rest...JUNE, JULY, AUGUST!
In the beginning there were 2 videos, one for buy and one for sell. and there on one pair (the indy draws a corridor of dots) the entrance was against the indy.
Thank you!!!
At the beginning there were 2 videos, one for buy and the other for sell. and there on one pair (the indicator draws a corridor of dots) the entry was against the indicator.

You can make a hundred attempts to create such a video.... Regression, STO, multi timeframe stuff up there. No one will argue that each of us, albeit not on the first or second attempt, can make such a video?))) And then sell the fake set of indukes for a lot of money))))) The dude's got a few million dollars, he earned a good one (video), the question is - why is he selling it?))

You could also make a hundred attempts to create such a video.... Regression, STO, multi-timeframe stuff at the top. No one will argue that each of us, even if not on the first or second attempt, can make such a video?))) And then sell the fake set of indukes for a lot of money))))) The dude has a few zmons, then he earned a good one (video), the question is - why is he selling it?)))
I think these moneys are demos and it is very problematic to spend them )))))))
Thank you!!!

Dimka, happy holiday too. And the letters to paint, is there no paint?)))



Можно сделать и сотню попыток для создания такого видео.... Регрессия, STO, мультитаймфреймовая фигня какая то вверху. Никто не будет спорить, что каждый из нас, пусть не с первой и не со второй попытки, может сделать такое видео?))) А дальше продавай фуфловый набор индюков за хорошие бабки))) У чувака несколько лимонов, тут же он заработал нормально(видео), вопрос - а нафига же он это продает?)))

that was back in January -

"Oh, for fuck's sake, let's not go far. My neighbour bought a system from you and now he's sitting in the woods with moose all around him. "
I think these lemons are demos and spending them is very problematic )))))))


Neighbour of who?))

Who has a neighbour?))) - he answered questions in the forum - the thread was humorous.

Ah, I read it, worth reading)))