EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 7


I was right yesterday after all...


Now the volumes will come back and then we will see.


I was right yesterday after all...


No, yesterday, you were wrong. We were forming a C in the second. Today, yes, you're right, but to be honest, I thought we'd be forming the second in 24 hours, but it's like this....))))



No, yesterday, you were wrong. We were forming a C in the second. Today, yes, you're right, but to be honest, I thought we'd be forming the second in 24 hours, but it's like this....))))

You're marking with momentum (I don't know who taught you that) and I'm marking with threes.

It doesn't matter who is right or wrong. The important thing is that my prediction worked yesterday and yours did not.


It will be seen next, 5th wave after all (volume).


You mark on impulse (I don't know who taught you that) and I mark in threes.

It doesn't matter who's right or wrong. The important thing is that my prediction worked yesterday and yours did not.

Where do you see the momentum? Show me....))))

At least mark with frying pans....))))

Can you show me where yours worked? .....))))

Mine worked out clearly with a 27-point error, didn't make it.price....))))


Where do you see the pulse? Show....))))

At least mark with pans....))))

Can you show me where yours worked out? .....))))

Mine worked out clearly with a 27-point error, didn't make it.price....))))

So shown at the top of the page, before and after.

WASHINGTON, March 2. /Dow Jones/. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke began his second consecutive speech on Capitol Hill by repeating comments he made on Tuesday: the central bank is prepared to respond if necessary to any signs that inflation could hurt the recovery of the US economy.

> Addressing the House Finance Committee with his semi-annual report on the economy, Bernanke echoed statements he made on Tuesday during his address to the Senate committee. He noted that US economic growth is strengthening, even though unemployment rates are still high and the housing market remains a problem. He also stressed that the Fed is ready to respond if higher commodity prices start to have a negative impact on US economic growth.

>"We will continue to monitor developments closely and are ready to respond if necessary to best support the ongoing recovery in a price stable environment," Bernanke said.

According to new reports, military forces backing Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi have headed east, retaking the town of Brega, home to oil refining facilities. They launched an aerial attack on an area of the rebel-held town of Ajdabiya, where there is a large arms depot.
2011.03.02 17:30:17 *Energy Department: US crude oil stocks -0.364 mb to 346.375 mb
2011.03.02 17:30:20 *Energy Department: US gasoline stocks -3.59 mb to 234.708 mb
2011.03.0202 17:30:23 *Energy Department: US distillate stocks -0.751 mb to 159.186 mb
2011.03.02 17:30:29 *Energy Department: US refinery utilization 80.9% vs. 79.4% a week earlier