EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 994


As for the Aussie, the situation is similar, they are likely to go in sync (with the euro), i.e. the same as always.


Here, on H4 there is already a new FZR down, break with a divider - wait for a return and re-break, break without a divider - move down without a bounce.

Short term 1.4232 approximately (strong support at 1.4131) + plus a trap on the М5
Do you think this news will affect global growth?

TheGBP monetarypolicy committee is due to meet tomorrow to see if they intend to raise the rate. Their numbers aren't great either.


The GBP monetary policy committee is due to meet tomorrow to see if they intend to raise the rate. Their numbers aren't great either.

10 reasons why the Bank of England will not raise interest rates this year
  1. The output gap, which shows how much the real economic growth differs from the potential one, is too big. The economy has still not recovered from the recession and the GDP growth rate is extremely low. Extensive monetary stimulus measures are needed in order to get production back to pre-crisis levels.
  2. Unemployment is high (almost 3% above structural levels), the private sector cannot absorb the anticipated public sector job cuts, so the number of unemployed is likely to rise.
  3. Current inflation is high, but inflation expectations are levelling off. Furthermore, there is no pressure on prices from wages. There is even a risk that inflation will fall below the 2% target set by the Bank of England in the medium term. The Central Bank's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has not lost market confidence as some believe, Danske notes.
  4. Consumer sentiment is extremely negative, which could lead to a decline in private consumption.
  5. The growth rate of household disposable income, measured as the growth rate of income minus the growth rate of retail prices, has been negative for more than a year. The higher cost of finance will undermine British households, leading to increased insolvencies.
  6. Business sentiment is deteriorating and economic conditions are challenging. Indicators show that a decline cannot be ruled out in the coming months.
  7. The growth rate of the money supply, which according to quantitative money theory is closely related to prices, has turned negative. This is a fundamental sign that monetary policy should not be tightened.
  8. The debt burden of the UK is increasing rapidly. The cost of servicing British debt will rise if interest rates rise too quickly. The official projections on the level of public debt are based on overly optimistic economic growth forecasts.
  9. The country's exporters need all the support they can get. If the pound rises, the trade balance, which is already badly affected, could deteriorate very badly. "Undervaluation" of sterling may not be as great as most believe.
  10. The hawkish MPC members are losing confidence in the need to raise rates. Not long ago, Martin Weale, who had been pushing for an increase in funding costs since January, signalled that he might vote to keep rates at current levels because of recent weak economic data. Danske analysts believe that the Bank of England's lead economist, Spencer Dale, may share similar concerns.

I don't want to upset anyone...

But the longer the eurik stands still, the stronger the movement will be.

and the way it is behaving right now fits perfectly into my picture.



I think it's going to 1.4280 tonight, then down for a bit...

and then to my 1.44 or so.

I don't know, but that's the way I see it...

I mean, no change.

I have longs on it.


And by the way !!!!!!!!

Mihon really screwed up his tactics on Gunn!

MEGA BRAIN AND THE GREAT GURU FALLED INTO THE GUN, and he really did it that way...

Here is my forecast about Evra Frank pair and he promised us 300 points up ))))

By the way, I'm getting ready to open longs on the pair.

But the levels for the buy we will reach tomorrow after tomorrow, it is 1.2924 with a close stop and the target is 500 pips.

The pair is too short to go long, but I should get ready.


О !!!

It's the euro now...


Here, on H4 there is already a new FZR downwards, break with a divider - we wait for a return and re-break, break without a divider - movement downwards without a rebound.

Sorry ... i guess i'm way behind the times ))))... FZR is what ?

This = FZR (fractal zig-zag reversal) The concept of FZR was introduced by MasterForex-V ?


I don't want to upset anyone...

But the longer the eurik stands still, the stronger the movement will be.

and the way it is behaving right now fits perfectly into my picture.


USD/CHF sell also 0.87...(forecast:-))