EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 939


The actions of three international rating agencies - Moody's, Standard & Poor's (S&P) and Fitch - will be investigated by the Portuguese attorney general's office. The reason was a complaint from several academics in the country who claim that the financial damage to Portugal was caused by the assessments of these agencies.

Economists also do not rule out that the agencies could have profited from the ratings and demand to find out whether EU antitrust law has been violated.

Since March, all of the agencies mentioned have been downgrading Portugal's ratings smoothly. Moody's then fixed the long-term rating for government bonds at Baa1 with the option of a further downgrade. The agency explained its decision by the "political, economic and budgetary uncertainties in the country" as well as by concerns that the Portuguese government will not be able to reduce its budget deficit and maintain financial stability.

Simultaneously with the launch of the prosecutor's investigation, Portugal has requested a financial bailout. On 16 May the EU, IMF and ECB are due to give their final approval for a programme of economic consolidation in the country in return for €78 billion.

Incidentally, the Greek authorities have also expressed disapproval of Standard & Poor`s actions, but so far there has been no talk of legal action.


Everybody says down, but I saw a divergence on H1 - I think it is up

If I am fundamentally wrong - correct me - gurus of thechanalysis

W see - inverted...with a shot to the downside...
In the past two months there have been so many diverters... not a single one has worked... And the MACD is recommended to use on the H4 timeframe, so since yesterday the divergence... And a diverter is just a diverter... Not an instruction for price to change direction.
For a long time I've been here and I've been looking for diverters, I've been missing them.

Everybody says down, but I saw a divergence on H1 - I think it is up

If I am fundamentally wrong - correct me - gurus of thechanalysis

You got it right. But it's not up, it's going to be a correction. You can make money on a pullback: )))
Not a bad 700-point correction
I understand the admins don't want to make it work.

I personally find that the search works by searching for a user's posts.

Or you mean other search?

In the past two months there have been so many diverters... not a single one has worked... Also MACD is recommended to use on H4 timeframe. It's been there since yesterday. And a diver is just a diver... It's not an instruction for price to change direction.
I don't agree with you. One of my indexes catches diverters on the M1. All of them work. I took 64 pips in an hour on gold on an M1 divert. Now I'm buying at M5, 40 pips. And you say it's not working.
Not a bad 700 pips retracement
700 pips down...
That's my point. From 1.49 onwards, everyone has been shouting that a correction.
That's my point. From 1.49 onwards, everyone has been shouting that a correction.