EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 637

Deutsche Bank has changed its forecast for the ECB rate and now expects another 25bp increase in July. Moreover, in the event of a significant rise in inflation expectations, the rate could also be raised in June. DB had earlier predicted that the ECB would pause for the summer after the April hike. DB also expects a rate hike in September and December and is raising its "year-end rate forecast from 1.75% to 2.00%."
Deutsche Bank has changed its forecast for the ECB rate and now expects another 25bp increase in July. Moreover, in the event of a significant rise in inflation expectations, the rate could also be raised in June. DB had earlier predicted that the ECB would pause for the summer after the April hike. DB also expects a rate hike in September and December and is raising its "year-end rate forecast from 1.75% to 2.00%."
does this mean that the eurodollar, without declining significantly, will continue to rise?
I see some love for the Aussie has been awakened here today... perhaps someone will be interested in looking at it from a wave point of view. kount here
Anyone here? Shall we trade?
dolar yen resistance level tell me
by my calculations 1.4400
Somebody is influencing the yen and it is supposed to go up but it is going down Somebody is throwing money in early
Expect a big jump upwards ))
dolar yen resistance level tell me

levels for today on the yen:

And no need to write posts in a row. you can just add entries to your last one via edit


levels for today on the yen:

And you don't need to write posts in a row. you can just add entries to your last one via edit

I don't know. I look at your chart and I can't figure it out.