EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 418


If I'm not mistaken, there's one last move left and we'll go up. I think the reversal will happen at 1.4184. That's all for now.....)))

Check out what they're drawing on MT5:

Even though I'm not a waveformer, but I sometimes use some software to clarify the situation. This is what ELWAVE shows... It seems that the trend is to the north yet. And the wave targets are there - not too far away... I think we'll get them...

No, he doesn't make predictions. I'm watching for support or forward on the timeframe I'm working on.

I get it... I'm not talking about the forecast. I'm talking about the trade....

Look what they're drawing on MT5:

If you want, I can give you a more "advanced" wave program than ELWAVE, I used to buy it as a licensed one, someone likes it... )))) I don't. It dampens "flight of thought", the creative process is neglected....))))

If I'm not mistaken, there's one last move left and we'll go up. I think the reversal will happen at 1.4184. That's all for now.....)))

ok...well my forecast is still the same...on the decline - tomorrow - after tomorrow... I think we need to recover and gain strength EuR after the uptrend...we'll see...


If you want, I can give you a more "advanced" wave program than ELWAVE, I used to buy it as a licensed one, someone likes it... )))) I don't. It stifles "flight of thought", the creative process is derailed....))))

good to know... the craft is delicate...


продвинутую" волновую программу, чем ELWAVE

does it draw the rays - continuation? does it calculate by 1 click? no fuss? tell me the name of the program if it is like I wrote

ok...well my prognosis is still the same...on the downside - tomorrow - after tomorrow... i think we need to recover and gain strength euR after the upward move...we'll see...

I agree, we should, and it will, but next week.

Of course IMHO. You do understand the difference between "Forecast" expectations and trading....))))

Even if the price picks your scenario (that's normal) it won't be a surprise to me and I will know what to do. The forecast itself, as such, is just nonsense....)))) You do realise that...)))?


I get it... I'm not talking about the forecast - I'm talking about the trade....
He's not wrong at all.
1ssrc_1.mq4  8 kb

If you want, I can give you a more "advanced" wave program than ELWAVE, I used to buy it as a licensed one, someone likes it... )))) I don't. It dampens "flight of thought", the creative process is nullified....))))
No thanks. I already told you, I'm only watching the wavemakers...


insert both indicators

1ssrc_1.ex4  8 kb