EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 334


I'll send you an email too - send you an indicator and depo money, if you have time, I'll watch and record a video... I am interested in it for sport ... I will not give profits to anybody.


the thing is, the way it is now (the turkey) it's bogus, but it gave me an idea ... to be sure - you have to watch it ... the idea is very far from trading... or rather not even close to it...

iE is not for trading... do not be fooled...


If you haven't seen it - here are screenshots of the indicator - i.e. it actually draws the same way as regression...

(note the sideways pattern - i.e. the indicator line was extended)

not for trading ....

.... I also think that Yusuf should not have closed in a narrow circle of ideas, it only slows down the development of his idea.... In his thread I offered my vision to test the indicator, so he could perform it since the indicator is such a secret, but I don't know if he ignored me and kept on going on with his story, or maybe he just banalized it and created a stir for more successful selling)))) ... I wonder who gave him $ 1000 for his indicator, are there such ... I wonder.......
On the hour on the EUR, the CHI made local highs and turned all tails down. Indicates a pullback. On the daily, the move is to the north.
.... I also believe that Yusuf should not have closed himself in the narrow circle of ideas, it only slows down development of his idea.... i offered my idea of checking the indicator in his thread so he could do it himself as the indicator is such a secret, but i don't know if he ignored me and kept on going on with his story, or maybe he just trivialized his advertising and created a stir for more successful selling)))) ... i wonder who gave him 1000$ for his indicator, are there such people ... i wonder....????

duh...he's with that sectarian propaganda of his )))) although i guess there are no fools...

If you'd posted the turkey, maybe people would have figured it out - given me some ideas...

Although to be honest I doubt there's anything at all in it ....

and the author's goal is to sell it... otherwise he'd just sit back and make a buck...

like everyone else does...

Standing north. 1,4220.

I've duplicated... on his thread
Standing north. 1,4220.

If we get there, which I doubt (I'm shorting on the short scene) I will add shorts to cover the already opened...pips in the swing ))))
Standing north. 1,4220.

Do you think the situation now is similar to the one on 7 March? Too simple and obvious, don't you think?
I duplicated... to his thread

dunno...seems to me just to stir up interest...and inexperienced people might be fooled into making a science based statement and buying far that's all he's trying to do....

I'm not going to write there anymore...