EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 331


Googled the first three places I came across. It's the 21st (20th on a leap year).
Right. UMIS is lying. So, it's not just the news that needs to be double-checked, it's the holidays too...

I want all sites that I visit, communicate under one BENAME, and the old, Zet, many busy with other users, so I added "M" as the first letter of my name and began to embed it everywhere.

Was in a nearby branch, tried with a comrade to create a purely wave branch, but failed ...))), now in the native "pinata".

Well, a failed attempt is also an experience...
Exactly. UMIS is lying. It turns out it's not just the news that needs to be double-checked, it's the holidays too...

Lies and deceit everywhere)))

Thank you.

I'll write well, they'll be jealous.

Haven't bought a boat, wood is pathetic with a hammer, remains to sharpen the strategy at night.


I'm waiting for my friend to come and visit me for a holiday. He's bringing a super tricky strategy, that's what he said on the phone, and he has a lot of experience, I'll share it, maybe it will come in handy.....))))

Funtofrank my wow!

Well, a failed attempt is also an experience...

She's already 4, try....)))) So much, experience....))))

She's already 4, try....)))) Too much, experience....))))

Maybe you should stop and think about a global change in the way you look at your tactics.

Failure is not a single catastrophic event. You don't fail in one day. Failure is a series of faulty judgements repeated day after day.

You may be able to read, but it's much more important what you plan to read.

Hello to all the midnighters.


See for yourself. If I see it that way, and I make money at the same time.

Experience, I meant that people around me and people I respect don't understand me, they say it's nonsense. That's what experience is about.



See for yourself. If I see it that way and at the same time make money.

Wait a second, so you're happy with your experience, but you're not happy with the amount... Then that changes the case...

"Don't listen to anyone, don't go along with anyone, listen only to yourself!" are my ground rules, which I wish you the same