EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 199


Your anecdote is beside the point...

This one does:

An old trader sits in front of the monitor, working. He makes two points there, five points there, and so on all day long. A young trader approaches him and starts to criticize him:
- How do you work, you have no system, everything you do is rubbish... The old trader turns to him and says:
- You know, I'm tired of being clever, I want to make some money.


- Can you tell me how to get to the psychiatric hospital? Go through the dealing room, they'll tell you.


- Captain, there's an iceberg on the ship's course!!! - Iceberg on a ship's course, seems a bit expensive to me.....

there is an opinion in VSA Weikoff's VSA theanalysis that divers are formed specifically for the purpose of feeding the crowd

There are a lot of opinions, and not only about the diver, the main thing is that it's impossible to make money on Forex. But these opinions are coming from those who didn't succeed))
Two trader's wives girlfriends meet:
- Mine keeps muttering in his sleep 70-80, 70-80, 70-80...... What to do?
- You tell yours to 'Sell' or 'Buy' and he'll shut up.
Husband is babbling in his sleep again, "70-80, 70-80, 70-80 ...",
And the wife says to him:
- Wzu!
- Taking!!! Fresh!!! 80-90, 80-90, 80-90...

There are a lot of opinions, and not only about the diver, the most important one is that you cannot make money on Forex. But these opinions come from those who did not succeed))
A boy asks his father: "Who is a trader? Daddy answers: You see, my son, a man buys a rabbit for 1 p. He takes it to the centre and sells it for 2 p. Then he goes to the outskirts, buys 2 rabbits and sells them in the centre for 4 p. And finally he buys all the money for rabbits and brings them to the centre, and there is a flood. He stands there thinking: I should have bought fish!

Today is tomorrow)


One trader made a huge pile of money thanks to his talents. He made a lot, almost like a Rothschild or Rockefeller inheritance. Not being a greedy man, he gave some of the money away to his friends, saying "give it to them at my funeral". Time passed... One friend became a doctor. A second became a politician. A third went the way of finance and became a banker.

When their benefactor died, they all came to the funeral to do their last duty to the friend, including financially.
The doctor said - "I have spent more than I have earned" and placed 1/10th of the debt in the coffin.
The politician said - 'I promise that I will repay the rest when we meet again in another life' and put 1/5th of the debt.
The banker came up and said - "You know me, my friend, I am not as stingy as my comrades - I will give you everything right now" - and with these words he put in the casket a promissory note he had written in the name of the deceased.


One trader made a huge pile of money thanks to his talents. He made a lot, almost like a Rothschild or Rockefeller inheritance. Not being a greedy man, he gave some of the money away to his friends, saying "give it to them at my funeral". Time passed... One friend became a doctor. A second became a politician. A third went the way of finance and became a banker.

When their benefactor died, they all came to the funeral to do their last duty to the friend, including financially.
The doctor said - "I have spent more than I have earned" and placed 1/10th of the debt in the coffin.
The politician said - 'I promise that I will repay the rest when we meet again in another life' and put 1/5th of the debt.
The banker came up and said - "You know me, my friend, I am not as stingy as my comrades - I will give you everything right now" - and with these words he put in the coffin his personal bill of exchange immediately issued in the name of the deceased.

I just read it, we must be getting it from the same source:)
- Why is the hryvnya depreciating faster than the dollar?
- This is a victory for our industry! The Ukrainian printing press is better and
faster than the American one!