EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 205


Judging by this informer, there are almost no bulls left. It's a good time to update the hai and collect stops))

Exactly :)))

Everyone's graphs are so clever:)))


EUR/USD: Intraday stop orders should be placed at 1.4085.

Written by Stephen Cox, a certified technical analyst, is the chief technical analyst at Dow Jones Newswires

Listen only to yourself, ANNALYTES get the dough and don't know shit :))


Everyone's graphs are so clever:)))

If price comes out at 1.4070 as indicated on the chart, after that, it will only go up....)))

If the price comes out at 1.4070, as indicated on the charts, it will only rise after that....)))

And when you consider that Europe is very happy with the current course ... Merkel, Draghi, Smaghi and Weber are all shouting about the superiority and strengthening of the euro... Oh, and also:

Fitch likes europact

" EU-level initiatives made crisis response more meaningful
" Risks to sovereign debt reduced in the short term

" The initiatives have strengthened political support for the single currency

ECB, Novotny: Summit passed on a positive note, risk of default/restructuring of debt reduced - Reuters

- Summit results will improve efficiency and transparency in markets
- It is too early to make a final decision on the ECB bond buying programme. If it is not needed, there is no reason to extend it
- At the moment Portugal does not need to apply for the help of the Stabilisation Fund
- The macroeconomic fundamentals in Spain are different from those in Portugal. It is erroneous to think that contagion happens automatically

- Recall that last Friday European leaders agreed on extending the size of the Stabfond to E440 billion and on establishing a permanent fund of E500 billion from 2013 as well as on lowering the interest rate on the loan for Greece.


Hello, ....))) I liked your old avatar better....))) How's business?

Hello ....)) How's the trading?

Hi there! Keeping my medium term buy ok, don't see any reason to close it yet, sometimes I do some short term trading...

I changed my avatar because the old one made me look like a helpless little girl in Forex... In fact - this is far from being the case...


And when you consider that Europe is very happy with the current course ... Merkel, Draghi, Smaghi and Weber shout at every speech about the superiority and strengthening of the euro ...

Is it always positive growth on good news? Isn't it the other way around?

Hi there! Keeping my medium term buy well, no reason to close it yet, sometimes trading short term...

I changed my avatar because the old one made me look like a helpless little girl in Forex... In fact - this is far from it...

I don't belong to them, but it's a pity, I liked the old avatar better....)))

I have a slightly different strategy ( point=$9.34). In the medium term I will be, if price does not break through, 1.3456, although I think that at 1.37... There should be a reversal (the wave structure will definitely indicate a reversal). I think we are in a correction, 2nd wave after a wedge like 1st wave. If expectations are correct, minimum to 1.44... will rise....)))) Dreams...)))


I'm trying to track down information about the sale of US treasuries and it varies...

This is what I found, but I can't figure out what it's about, maybe a typo:

Bank of Japan to start buying JPY 2 trillion in government bonds March 17-18