Looking for real, real drained accounts! - page 5


Well, I'll shut up.

// And how much have you benefited from that? I don't feel bad here...

))) I wonder... Hasn't anyone figured out who, what's my last name...

Bummer. The further away, the scarier it gets - if there's an afterlife, then it's, by definition, more interesting than this tedious one...

А... live as you please... // Very funny...


Well, I'll shut up.

// And how much have you benefited from that? I'm fine here...

))) I wonder... Hasn't anyone figured out who, what's my last name...

Bummer. The further away, the scarier it gets - if there's an afterlife, then it's, by definition, more interesting than this tedious one...

А... live as you please... // Very funny...

I know what you know, etc.

I need it.

in person.


Two assholes found the ich azer...

So? Yeah! That happens too...



Two assholes found the ich azer...

So? Yeah! That happens too...

I'll let Azer decide.)


Losing traders focus on winning trades and high percentages of winnings. Successful trad ers focus on losing trades, stable returns and a good risk/return ratio.


The observation implies that it is much more important to focus on total risk versus total gain rather than "wins" or "losses". A successful trader focuses on possible gains versus possible losses, and worries little about the emotional satisfaction associated with being 'right' or 'wrong'.


Ugh... All the linguistic charge has gone nowhere...

",,,,, )))"

It's a dark world out there. I have a wife - she understands. On the forum... weird guys... )))


Yes! For girls!

I'm single. My wife is an ex... )))


Ugh... All the linguistic charge has gone nowhere...

",,,,, )))"

It's gloomy in this world. I have a wife who understands. On the forum... weird guys... )))

there is no norm, everyone is abnormal (crazy) in their own way.

So shine the light like Danko. )))

When your wife understands you it's a good thing.


Yes! For girls!

I'm single. My wife is an ex... )))

that's not for me )