Looking for real, real drained accounts! - page 4

The material is not mine, but I was interested.


Losing traders often use complex systems and methodologies or rely entirely on the advice of various analysts. Successful traders often use very simple methods. Invariably, they use either a modified version of an existing technique or their own methodology.


This seems to diverge from the mistaken belief that the more complex the better. This is not the case. Logically, one could argue that simplified market approaches tend to be more practical and less prone to misinterpretation. Frankly, even the term "simple" or "complex" makes no sense. What really matters is what makes money and what doesn't. We can also conclude that to be a successful trader it is important to do most of the analysis yourself.

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Losing traders often rely heavily on automatically calculated systems and indicators. They do not take the time to study the mathematical algorithms of these tools and do not consider other than the most popular interpretations. Successful traders often take advantage of computers because of their speed in processing large amounts of data. However, they also study the mathematical formulas of the indicators used and spend their time to understand the market mechanism down to the 'last bolt'.


If you want to be successful at anything, you must have a good understanding of the tools used.


To speak or not to speak...

No one will hear...



Losing traders spend a lot of time predicting where the market will be tomorrow. Successful traders spend most of their time thinking about how other traders will react to what the market is doing now and plan their strategy accordingly.


Trading success probably depends on a trader's ability to predict how the market will react to a particular event and having a well thought-out plan of action when such reactions occur. It may be easier to be a successful trader than it is to be a successful analyst because analysts must actually predict the final outcome. If you ask a successful trader where they think the market will be tomorrow, the most likely answer is a shrug of the shoulders and a simple comment that they will follow the market wherever it goes.


To speak or not to speak...

No one will hear...

(The right word is silver, but silence is gold. )


Losing traders often rely heavily on automatically calculated systems and indicators. They do not take the time to study the mathematical algorithms of these tools and do not consider other than the most popular interpretations. Successful traders often take advantage of computers because of their speed in processing large amounts of data. However, they also study the mathematical formulas of the indicators used and spend their time to understand the market mechanism down to the 'last bolt'.


If you want to be successful at anything, you must have a good understanding of the tools used.

There are very few of them, those who understand. There are almost none...

"Tell me how I can get a hundred quid off and not get caught..." In short, idiots... // ans mas...


There are very few of them who understand. There's hardly any...

"Tell me how I can make a hundred quid and not get caught..." In general, idiots... // ans masses...

and those who don't understand, you can learn from it.

and on those who don't understand, you can learn from it.

What about mathematical formulas? )))

What about the mathematical formulas? )))

When you work with numbers, the formula is like a shovel, which one is a shovel and which one is a grader ))

For a long time I didn't understand how MACD works (where things come from, especially the diverters on MACD) until I started programming.