Looking for real, real drained accounts! - page 9


Whoever doesn't want to pay is simply called a freeloader.

What do you call someone who wants to benefit for nothing?

And what do you call someone who wants to make a profit for nothing?

What do you mean, nothing? Everything has its price. If you don't like it, there's a big bazaar.

I can see why you're having a hard time trading...


What do you mean, nothing? Everything has its price. If you don't like it, there's a big bazaar.

I can see why you're having a hard time trading...

I originally said I was looking for, not buying, if you have something to offer, then let's get on with the topic, otherwise you're talking about selling or not selling.


I originally said I was looking for....

Then why did you copy the paranoia in the form of "observations"?

In any business there must be statistics, as you look for patterns on a chart and then say with a certain degree of probability that if a fast Ma crosses a slow Ma, then price is likely to go up.

It's the same here. Once again, the observations are not mine, but for the most part they are.


It's the same here. Once again, the observations are not mine, but for the most part they are.

It's much worse than that.

I'll tell you straight away that 99% of the plunges are due to one single reason - misuse of leverage.

Go to a brokerage house with a pamm service and you will have statistics.


Real account at FxOpen 308323 password: 4Korvin

Nyuza: this is a real account opened with bonus card,

traded responsibly, but as always with deviations from the system

Not drained yet (permanently)


In any business there must be statistics, as you look for patterns on a chart and then say with a certain probability that if a fast Ma crosses a slow Ma, the price is likely to go up.

It's the same here. Once again, the observations are not mine, but for the most part they are.

Is there?

A combination of an inquisitive mind and mercenary fanaticism - that's a common portrait of a Forumer. // in the know - I repeat myself, but don't judge harshly - you don't often manage to put it accurately...

By the way, doesn't anyone have this feeling - the desire to make money gets in the way of its - desire - fulfilment?

I don't think leverage plays a big role, you can work well with 1:500 leverage when you lose your deposit. The lower the leverage, the bigger your margin and the less available funds.
I don't think leverage plays a big role, it's ok to work with 1:500 leverage when you're losing your deposit. The lower the leverage, the bigger your margin, and the less available funds.

Leverage is the relationship between your capital and the equity you trade with.

What you wrote 1:500 is a margin call, ie maximum leverage possible in this brokerage house on the condition of the deposit.