Renter - page 8


First, let's see the filling of the first vessel alone ...

Avtomat, I will try to criticize your approach to the problem.

So, you proposed a way to get a diffeomorphism describing the balance of funds in the account. At the same time, you are solving a model physical problem similar to the one I asked. For this, you assume the existence of two vessels, in one of which water is poured (the flow rate grows exponentially and does not depend on the level of liquid in the second vessel) and poured into the second vessel, where it remains. The second vessel is our pocket and the first is the deposit. Right? So far everything is correct and the analogy is exact. But what does this interpretation give? After all, by your condition, the filling speed in the first vessel does not depend on the liquid level in the second and, as consequence, the process describing this system of two vessels is not described by difurbs, and searched by usual equations, which you have described in your post above. That is, the task of reducing the solution to a system of diphurs is not fulfilled (and in fact, it is not possible).

Now, about your model itself. It in terms of solution does not differ from my problem (completely identical), so there are all the same mathematical difficulties as my statement.


that's right. That's what I'm saying: "Let's see first...".

And then, in the second step, open the valve separating the flow into two parts. This will change the inlet flow.

Can't you see the solution yet?


If I may - clarify the task again. Uncomplicated questions:

1) Is it possible to withdraw more than the calculated interest, and if so, what is the limit on the size of the residual deposit at each step and at the end?

2) Target function - maximum withdrawal without discounting the cash flow?



In general, the task comes down to two types of loan repayment, or a combination of both. At the end of the term, or by annuity.

An annuity is when you can take it out of the deposit.



For theoretical mathematicians, the concept of efficiency is unfamiliar.

What matters to them is the process of calculation, not the result. The more complex the structure of the calculation, the more their brains get excited.

It is necessary to isolate such people while they are still in higher education, and from time to time to reward them with gifts and degrees.

It is important to emphasise their uniqueness, so that they do not actively spread their religion to others in order to preserve it.


For theoretical mathematicians, the concept of efficiency is unfamiliar.

What matters to them is the process of calculation, not the result. The more complex the structure of the calculation, the more their brains get excited.

Such people need to be isolated as early as the university walls, with occasional gifts and degrees.

It is important to emphasize their uniqueness, then they will not be very active in extending their religion to others in order to preserve it.

This provocation, have you come up with a lot of excitement?

We need to let Murgulis know that the internet is harmful to patients isolated within the walls...



Integer, are your fp and my f the same thing? If so, why is your numerator missing 1 which is taken from the sum of a power series and why is your denominator missing, which is taken from the same.

I don't know, I have it written down what the formula is and all the variables are defined. Let me also clarify - this is the amount of profit taken each month (not the total profit for m months).

It remains to derive the formula for the sum of the series, you wrote that you do it easily - do it. Then take the derivative, equate it to zero...


This provocation, did you come up with a lot of excitement?

We need to let Murgulis know that the internet is bad for patients isolated within the walls...


He is quite right. There are such teachers that any complicated theory explained so that everyone understands, and there are such that even the Pythagorean theorem in their interpretation can not understand. Besides understanding formulas and mathematical methodologies, it is possible to understand or not understand mathematics, and methodologies can be learned by being diligent and probably intoxicated by the beauty of multi-storey formulas.


He's quite right. There are teachers who can explain any complex theory in a way that everyone can understand, and there are those who cannot even make out Pythagoras' theorem in their interpretation. Besides understanding formulas and mathematical methodologies, one can either understand mathematics or not understand them, and methodologies can be learned by being diligent and probably intoxicated by the beauty of multi-storey fomulas.

what's right?

In a puke about complexity?


I don't know how your candidacy for the Commando worked out - but happy holidays!


For theoretical mathematicians, the concept of efficiency is unfamiliar.

What matters to them is the process of calculation, not the result. The more complex the structure of the calculation, the more their brains get excited.

It is necessary to isolate such people while they are still in higher education, and from time to time to reward them with gifts and degrees.

It is important to emphasise their uniqueness, then they will not be very active in extending their religion to others to preserve it.

That's interesting, isn't it?

What is efficiency according to you? Does efficiency for you mean copying off a ready-made solution from someone else, - and without stirring up your own brain, - and not for lack of it, but for the sake of its exclusive efficiency?