Don't tell me then that TA doesn't work - page 21


The dogs bark, the caravan runs (c) Eastern proverb

Never Say "Never Again".

Happy Holidays!

The latest version 2.0 of Gold Dust is available here:

Listen, you have become a millionaire so often in the pages of this forum, it's time to be if not wiser, then at least careful in the fundamental statements.

Happy Holidays to you too!


Look, you have become a millionaire so often in the pages of this forum that it is time to be, if not wiser, at least more careful in your fundamental statements.

Happy Holidays to you too!

Unlike some (let's not pointing fingers) I am not the supporter of unsubstantiated statements and in support of my words I publish applied researches in such form that anybody who wishes can independently check and be convinced - a principle of independent scientific reproduction of the experimental data.

Another thing is that the stubborn donkeys cannot be persuaded by anything, because everything that contradicts their own abstracts, or idiotic statements of their idols, regardless of the evidence is a "lie".

I do not invent hypotheses (c) Isaac Newton


Isaac lost 20,000 of those pounds on the market, I remember.

After that, he stopped hypothesising...


Is that a pain in the neck? Sorry.

The most difficult thing is to think for yourself.

Very true, especially since you can only step on your own toes. :) Who cares about what hurts... Lovely!

Reshetov 23.02.2011 18:23

The dogs bark, the caravan comes.

P.S. Don't you get tired of flubbing? I draw the attention of the moderators.


.......... one can only step on one's own callus. :)

A popular theory. However, it is not borne out by practice in the slightest. Like many others like it.


The hardest part is thinking for yourself.


A popular theory. However, it is not borne out by practice in the slightest. Like many others like it.



So what makes you think you can step on my toes? Is your practice a guess? So keep thinking... You seem to be good at it...



So what makes you think you can step on my toes? Is your practice a guess? So keep thinking... You seem to be good at it...

For 100 quid, I'll step on any toes. Full payment in advance.

Unlike some (I will not point fingers) I am not the supporter of unsubstantiated statements and in support of my words I publish applied researches in such form that anybody who wishes can independently check and be convinced - a principle of independent scientific reproduction of the experimental data.

Another thing is that the stubborn donkeys cannot be persuaded by anything, because anything that contradicts what they say or what their idols say, regardless of the evidence, is a "lie".

I do not invent hypotheses (c) Isaac Newton

It's nice to deal with a sensitive interlocutor. And here I will save a cruise phrase "that stubborn donkeys can't be persuaded by anything", for the near future, to show some "authorities" (I won't point a finger).



Так что с чего вы взяли, что можете наступить на мою мозоль? Ваша практика - это догадки? Так что думайте дальше... Вы это умеете, похоже...

For 100 quid, I'll step on any toes. Full payment in advance.

I'll take $80.



Happy holidays, men. The day off gave me a break and I'll let myself "flounder" a bit...))


Unlike some people (let us not point fingers) I do not support unsubstantiated statements and in confirmation of my words I publish applications in such a form that anyone who wants can independently verify and make sure - the principle of independent scientific reproduction of experimental data.

In fact, it is frankly stupid and pointless to waste time on this. You can take any Expert Advisor from the database, optimize it with standard means of meta-quotes and post the chart here. The results will be no worse than that of your super optimizer and it will be equally useless...

You can decorate an entire branch with such "confirmations", and they will cost the same as yours.

Another thing is sad, what brings such a sensible and active person to such a state of bitterness ...

A person does a great, interesting work that, however, does not prove anything, except the obvious (maybe that's the root of irritation). Then lays it out, but not for nothing, but with this kind of aplomb, immediately beforehand insulting all possible opponents, and happily doing it in passing to those who do not understand something or do not agree with the author's brilliant idea ...

It's a typical provocation from the start, so what else can you expect in return? Author, you got the only thing you needed and "demanded" yourself: whiners, gobblers and flunkies. Enjoy. So much for reproduction.

Wrote this on the authority of a man who also writes and posts something, but does not consider himself entitled to contemptuous treatment of those around him.