Chandelier - page 23

No. If the price is above Friday's low at the close of the day's candle, but the candle is bearish, the Friday order is closed and a Sell order is opened with initial volume. If a bearish candlestick overlaps Friday's candlestick, the order is also closed, but a new Sell order is opened with double volume.
If the price at the moment of closing of a daily candle will appear above Friday's minimum, but a bearish candle is formed, the Friday order is closed, and the Sell order is opened with the initial volume. - There must be a mistake. Then Monday's order is closed and a Sell order is opened with an initial volume?
If the price is above Friday's low at the close of the day's candlestick, but the candlestick is bearish, then Friday's order is closed and a Sell order is opened with initial volume. - There must be a mistake. Then Monday's order is closed and a Sell order is opened with an initial volume?

Yes, Monday's order.
@JonKatana, I thank you and respect you for the open information.

It's almost a decade later, is it okay to write in this thread?

Anyway , maybe something has changed with fluxes and trend changes, any observations, optimisation?

Not really hoping for an answer, just came to say thanks, it's good to see threads end there.

And yes, I'm the one who broke 222 comments, now there are 223, checkmate perfectionists!)