Where is the line between fitting and actual patterns? - page 51


They are undoubtedly there

"because we want them to be, but they really aren't..." :)
"because we want to, but we really don't..." :)
Yeah, well... Mosk may not process more than five or six options at a time, but he chooses the right ones, and the machine picks up everything. Like if you collect wheat together with turf at 100 mm, and then look for the wheat itself in this mess.

"It's hard to look for wheat in the derm at night, especially if it's not there."

some Chinese.

Yes, there is... I've been eating this wheat (partly with shit, of course) for years. That's what's bothering me, why can't everything be mechanised...
Gerasimm: I personally have been eating this wheat (partly with crap of course) for years.
That's interesting. I never put shit in it...
That's interesting. I never put shit in it...
I don't think it's real. In that case you're either in another dimension or a robot :o).

Price cannot be the same under certain conditions. Simply put, the probability of history repeating itself to within a pip is close to 0. The reason for this is the presence of noise in the quotes.

You must have read it very briefly. I didn't write that the price can be equal under certain conditions, but on the contrary. That price behavior can be the same under certain conditions, interpreting certainty as a change in some characteristic process.

What is noise? Noise is a philosophical abstraction that is divided, in an applied sense, into a series of mathematical abstractions: normal, uniform, Poisson, etc. That is, any not abstract, but mathematical noise is a well-defined model, which is what Paukas said that there is no noise at all.


You've probably read it too quickly. I didn't write that the price can be the same under certain conditions, but just the opposite. That the behavior of the price may be the same under certain conditions, interpreting certainty as a change in some characteristic process.

What is noise? Noise is a philosophical abstraction that can be applied to a number of mathematical abstractions: normal, uniform, Poisson, etc. I.e. any not abstract but mathematical noise is a well-defined model, which is what Paukas said there is no noise.

Guys, as for the classics of the genre, from what they say, the lower the TF, the higher the noise and I agree with that... Also they think that movements on higher TFs are more 'predictable', whatever... And in general, I think the answer to the starter's question has been found... Next steps...?

P.S. Lasso is avoiding us... Not again ...?

There is no noise in the market. All the noise is just in the head.

Yeah, traders/brokers/bankers/market makers on any trading floor are fighting for the best High or Low, and here we are shouting that since the price was only there for 1-2 seconds, it means noise! ))))))

When you look at the statistics, you get the feeling that the market is experiencing no signs of a flat, but you don't know what to do with it.)

ZS: I suspect that the aforementioned noise is broker arbitrage between trading venues


P.S. Lasso's been avoiding us... Not again...?

There's an experiment going on. Lasso suggested banning for a fortnight everyone who will get into someone else's topic (the notorious 8th clause). Fedor caught him on the flooding. Lasso, with a cry of "I'll get caught, shoot me, do not spare Chapaev!", agreed.

Now he is doing his time until 11.02.