Where is the line between fitting and actual patterns? - page 55


But you have to do something, anything at all. Or do we?

The author of this book must have a superstition that once he sells a book to mess with people's minds, he can keep on doing it. And this superstition will bring him an income. Because there are people with superstition that by reading such books they will become wiser or richer. Some people write and make money, others just read and think what fools other people are with their superstitions...


But you have to do something, anything at all. Or do we?


I like the way you think... ;) In places. ;-))


Here's another interesting chapter by the same "superstitious" lady. Only from a different book. I suggest you just enjoy it. For starters. :)

Maybe you'll get some fresh ideas later. When the emotions subside.

In fact, it makes perfect sense to practice fresh thoughts as a remedy for creative infertility. Quite in the spirit of the proposed chapter.



Suggest those very other options.

One option is to combine (use) the above two approaches so that they do not contradict each other.

1) Work with the current plot(no fitting, no history);

2) Determine at which minimum plot (included in the current plot) some property that exists now is identifiable;

3) Knowing that the market has inertia, assume that this property will persist for some time after detection, but no longer than the period of recognition(use inertia).

I.e. introduce time into consideration.



Our life is a fitting. Newton's laws are adjustments. Everything is a fit.

No one can explain anything - only describe. // aha, where is the Saviour? )))

What do we teach our children? That's the way the world is. Pure, specific-- fitting.

Isn't it?


Man can only describe, but not explain. And how? We are in context. What's outside is Gödel's theorem...


Pardon the theses. Just about to speak at a coven...))))))))))))))))))


Where is the line between fitting and actual patterns?


It is the line between your hallucinations and reality. - Everyone has their own.

A real pattern is a purely stochastic thing that will never become a pattern in your pocket. And there is nothing to dig in that direction.

Where is the line between fitting and real patterns? Nowhere. It's the line between your hallucinations and reality. - Everyone has their own.

A real pattern is a purely stochastic thing that will never become a pattern in your pocket. And there is nothing to dig in that direction.

Oh, come on... :) Can you at least give me some proof? Or do you think a Gödel to the back of the head will suffice?



This is the line between your hallucinations and reality.

Reality = it is a hallucination caused by a lack of alcohol in the blood. (c)

You're going crazy... :) Can you at least give me proof? Or do you think a Gödel to the back of the head will be enough?


Not enough? - Hands down...


- The girl's a bit crazy - not me, not me...

Reality = it's a hallucination caused by a lack of blood alcohol. (c)

- Is it a hallucination?

- No. It's a widget!

The subject seems to have dried up....The edge is ephemeral......A follow-up question: maybe one should try to introduce some characteristic of system stability by analogy with the way it is done in radio engineering, sound engineering, etc.? Maybe in the form of bandwidth by level? Or quality factor? There is an optimized parameter (or several) and an optimal value in optimization (adjustment - whatever one wants to call it) has been found. If there are several parameters it will be multidimensional, but we have to somehow correlate it with time while the quality factor remains within reasonable limits.